# Create and verify your company (no-code)

The no-code guide will take you through the following steps to successfully create and verify your company:

  1. Get to know your Dashboard – Learn how to log into the Dashboard and discover the interface.
  2. Create your users – Create the legal entity, its legal representative and its shareholders.
  3. Upload and review KYC Documents – Provide the necessary documents for each user (in accordance with your KYC Form).
  4. Submit your company's KYB – Send the documents to Treezor for verification.
  5. Create your Master Wallet – Create the company's Wallet.
  6. Abide by additional vigilance measures – Make a SEPA Credit Transfer to your Wallet in production if indicated by your KYC Form.

# Get to know your Dashboard

The no-code guide relies on Treezor's Dashboard, a user interface allowing you to interact with the Treezor API without relying on developer tools.

# Log into your Dashboard

Treezor provided you with the URL to log into your Dashboard. For your Sandbox, the URL is built as follows:

  • https://dashboard-{yourCompanyName}.sandbox.treezor.co

Upon entering this URL, you'll be redirected to the sign-in page.

treezor sign in page

You may then enter your email and password or use the SSO feature to log in, depending on the available options.

Below is an example of Treezor's default login page.

treezor login page

# Discover the Dashboard interface

Before you start, let’s take a quick guided tour of the key components of the Dashboard interface.

Note icon

Note – Your Dashboard is customizable

The views may differ from the displayed screenshots, depending on:

  • Where you’re at in your integration process, if you’re customizing the design
  • The Role of the logged-in user, if you’re not using all of Treezor’s features
Dashboard homepage with sections
# Section Description
1 Navigation menu Located on the left-hand side, this menu allows you to navigate to the different views:
  • Dashboard views, which focus on the features
  • Configuration views, which are about setting up your Dashboard.
2 Main toolbar In the upper part of each view, the Main toolbar contains the search fields, the language selection, and the logout button.
3 Main view Main content, which depends on the selected view.
4 Environment In the bottom left corner, you’ll find information about your environment and the version of the Dashboard.

# Accessing your users

Once your users created, you may access the detailed information by:

  • Taking advantage of the main Search toolbar
  • Navigating the All Users view

Upon selecting a user, the corresponding details will be displayed in the Profile Boards view.

# Search toolbar

The Dashboard main toolbar provides a series of user attributes-based search fields.

dashboard search fields

You may take advantage of the search fields available in the main toolbar to find a specific user based on its:

  • User Id – Corresponds to the userId automatically generated by Treezor when creating a user.
  • User Tag – Corresponds to the userTag, a field you can populate to suit your needs.
  • Email – The email provided during the user creation.
  • Name – Takes into account the firstName, lastName, legalName and email provided during the user creation.

Once one of the fields is populated, click on the "Search" button to launch the search.

dashboard search button

# All Users view

The All Users view provides a table listing all your users with some key information. Upon clicking on a user, it opens the corresponding profile in the Profiles Board view.

dashboard all users view

Your company is a legal entity, a user that is referred to as a Business User in the Dashboard.

→ In the Create a new User view, enter the required information as requested by the KYC Form shared with you by Treezor.

Create legal entity visual

Legal sector information differs depending on the Legal Sector Type:

  • Legal Sector Type – Will define which data you will have to enter in the Legal Sector field (either NACE, or NAF)
  • Legal Sector – Either a 4-digit code (NACE) or a 4-digit code followed by an uppercase character (NAF).

→ Once all the relevant fields are filled, click on the “Create User” button to proceed.

Create user button

A success message is displayed, and you’re redirected to the Profile Boards view, with your company selected.

Now that your company as a legal entity is created, let’s create the individuals behind it: the legal representative and the shareholders.

The legal representative is the person legally appointed to represent your company.

As such, you need to create a child user of your company in order to declare this legal representative.

→ In the Profile Boards view, with your company as the currently selected user, go to the Children User tab.

Children users tab

→ Click on the “Add Child” button available in the upper right corner, opening the Add child popup.

→ Fill in the required information as requested by the KYC Form shared with you by Treezor.

Add child popup

→ Select the following values for each field for the user to be considered as a legal representative:

Field Value Description
Parent type Leader Defines the relationship between the legal entity and the user
Employee type Leader Defines whether or not the user is an employee of the legal entity
Controlling person type Director Defines the relationship between the legal entity and the user

→ Once all the relevant fields are filled, click on the “Create User” button to proceed.

Create user button

As a result, you can see your legal representative displayed in the Graph of children users section. Upon clicking on it, the view switches to the corresponding user Profile.

# Create your company’s shareholders

You must declare any shareholder who owns 25% or more of your company (directly or via a holding company).

As such, you need to create as many children users of your company as there are beneficial owners in order to declare them.

→ In the Profile Boards view, with your company as the currently selected user, go to the Children User tab.

Children users tab

→ Click on the “Add Child” button available in the upper right corner, opening the Add child popup.

→ Fill in the required information as requested by the KYC Form shared with you by Treezor.

→ Select the following values for each field for the user to be considered as a shareholder:

Add child popup
Field Value Description
Parent type Shareholder Defines the relationship between the legal entity and the user
Employee type N/A (must be left empty) Defines whether or not the user is an employee of the legal entity
Controlling person type Shareholder Defines the relationship between the legal entity and the user

→ Once all the relevant fields are filled, click on the “Create User” button to proceed.

Create user button

As a result, you can see your legal representative displayed in the Graph of children users section. Upon clicking on it, the view switches to the corresponding user Profile.

Repeat the operation for each shareholder you need to declare.

# Upload the relevant KYC Documents

Whether it is for your company, its legal representative or the shareholders, you need to submit the relevant documents which will be verified by Treezor.

For each one of your users, complete the following steps, while making sure not to submit the request for KYC.

→ In the Profile Boards view, select the relevant user and click on the KYC tab.

→ Click on the “Add KYC Document” available in the upper right corner.

Add kyc document button

→ In the prompted Upload KYC document popup, select your document type (based on the KYC Form provided by Treezor) in the dedicated drop-down.

Add document / type selection

→ Upload your file while respecting the indicated file format and maximum weight.

If the upload is successful, the document appears in the KYC documents to review section.

Documents to review section

→ Repeat the operation to upload as many documents as required for all your users (company, legal representative and shareholders).

# Review the KYC Documents

To make sure you’re about to submit the relevant documents to Treezor, a validation step is required.

For each one of your users' documents (company, legal representative and shareholders):

→ In the Profile Boards view, KYC tab, KYC documents to review section, click on the “Review Document” button for each document whose status is “Pending”.

Documents to review section

→ In the prompted Document to review popup, review the uploaded document on the left section of the popup.

Review document popup

→ If the document is accurate, click on the “Validated” option of the Company status field located in the right-hand side of the popup.

Review document popup validating

→ Click on the “Submit” button to complete the validation.

Submit button

As a result, the document status becomes “Validated”.

Documents to review section

→ Repeat this process for as many documents and users as you need for the KYB process of your legal entity.

No entry icon

Danger – Don’t submit the KYC to Treezor yet!

Submitting the KYC to Treezor should be done last, so all the information needed for verification is sent at once. See the next step for more information.

# Submit your company's KYB to Treezor

Once you have uploaded and validated all the required documents for your company, legal representative and shareholders, you can send this information to Treezor for review.

To do so:

→ In the Profiles Board view, make sure the currently selected user is your company’s legal entity.

→ In the KYC tab, click on the “Submit KYC to Treezor” button in the upper right corner of the view.

Submit to Treezor button

As a result, the document is moved to the KYC documents processed section, with a “Treezor status” set to “Pending”.

KYC Documents processed section

You don’t need to repeat this operation for the legal representative and the shareholders, it has automatically been done by Treezor.

→ In Sandbox, contact your Implementation Manager to validate your KYB in order to continue testing your implementation.

Info icon

Information – In Production, your company is verified by Treezor's Compliance team

Verification usually takes about 24h, but may take up to 48h or more (working days only).

# Create your Master Wallet

Your Master Wallet is a wallet of type 15, but only Treezor can create them. You need to create a dummy wallet and then contact your Implementation Manager to turn it into a Master Wallet. To do so:

→ In the Profile Boards view, select your legal entity user and click on the Wallets tab.

wallets tab

→ Click on the “Add Wallet” available in the upper right corner.

add wallet button

→ In the prompted Add Wallet popup, enter the following information:

  • Wallet name – Name of the wallet
  • Wallet type – The Wallet Type 15 is not available by default. You can select any wallet you want and request for an update afterward

→ Click on the "Confirm" button to continue.

→ Review the information displayed and click on "Confirm creation" to complete the wallet creation.

A success popup is displayed.

Add wallet popup

→ Contact your Implementation Manager and provide them with the Wallet ID to change your wallet type to 15.

Add wallet popup

# Abide by additional vigilance measures

Your KYC Form provided by Treezor may indicate that you need to make a credit transfer to complete your company validation process.

This is usually covered in the use cases by the initial transfer made to your Master Wallet.

While you can’t make this transfer through the Dashboard, the API guides illustrate transfer emulations (link coming soon). You will need to go through this step in Sandbox too if you wish to test card transactions.

# Check your company’s status

Once Treezor has validated your company, the Global KYC Status section will indicate:

  • A “Validated” KYC Review
  • A “Regular” KYC Level
KYC global status validated

The Master Wallet can only be used once the company is validated.

Updated on: 7/15/2024, 12:37:11 PM