# Object tags

Tag attributes allow you to match Treezor objects with objects stored in your own databases. These attributes are:

  • Strings (max 250 characters)
  • Always in the API's responses
  • Named as a concatenation of the object's class and the word "Tag" (camelCase)

Here are a few examples of tag attributes: userTag, cardTag, payinTag, walletTag.

Thumbs icon

Best practice – Tags must:

  • Be unique. Use a tagging convention that enforces uniqueness as to avoid tag collisions
  • Use alphanumeric characters plus / ! - _ . * ' ( ). Using other characters can have unexpected consequences.

# Tag examples

# User Tag

When creating a User object, the associated tag is the userTag. Let's take the following request to create a user:

You can insert the corresponding userTag in the {payload}:

The userTag is then included in the returned User object.

# Wallet Tag

When creating a Wallet object, the associated tag is the walletTag. Let's take the following request to create a wallet:

You can insert the corresponding walletTag in the {payload}:

The walletTag is then included in the returned Wallet object.

Updated on: 5/2/2024, 1:13:13 PM