# Events

Webhooks flow chart

For Acquiring V1, the reception of any payin webhook meant that a payment had been accepted. This is no longer the case for the newest version. Please refer to the payinStatus attribute of the payin. The payment is accepted when valued to VALIDATED.

# TopupCard

# Structure of a topupCard.validate

# Structure of a topupCard.cancel

# Authorization

# Structure of a authorization.create

# Structure of a authorization.update

# Structure of a authorization.cancel

# Payin

# Structure of a payin.create

# Structure of a payin.update

# Structure of a payin.cancel

# PayinRefund

# Structure of a payinrefund.create

# Structure of a payinrefund.update

# Structure of a payinrefund.cancel

# Chargeback

# Structure of a card.acquiring.chargeback.create

Updated on: 7/11/2024, 9:44:58 AM