# Pagination

Pagination allows you to subdivide an API Response of n objects into subsets of less than n objects.

You can then navigate from subset to subset and browse the whole object collection in a more user friendly way.

Depending on the endpoints, two methods of pagination may be used:

# Offset-based pagination

# Supported endpoints

All endpoints using the GET verb, except:

  • /heartbeats
  • /cardreserve
  • /transactions
  • /cardtransactions
  • /operations
  • /payins

# Key parameters

It requires the following parameters to be provided in the request:

  • pageNumber sets the page number to retrieve
  • pageCount sets the number of objects per page
  • sortBy sets the attribute used for sorting (e.g., creationDate, modificationDate, etc.)
  • sortOrder sets the sorting order, it can be in DESC (Descending) or ASC (Ascending) order.

# Examples

Get the 1st page, with 30 objects per page, sorted by ascending creationDate.

Outputs an array of 30 objects (or less, in the last page).

Get the 5th page, with 50 objects per page, sorted by descending amount.

Outputs an array of 50 objects (or less, in the last page).

# Cursor-based pagination

The cursor-based pagination works by returning a pointer to a specific item in the dataset.

Navigating the datasets can be done by specifying one of the cursors provided in the response in your next request.

# Supported endpoints

Currently, the following endpoints support cursor-based navigation:

API Response supporting cursors will include the following object:

If there is no adjacent operation, the next attribute will be valued to null. The current attribute can be cached and used later to only retrieve new operations.

# Key parameters

  • cursor is the desired starting position for your next subset of objects.

The size of the subset (number of objects returned) varies depending on each endpoint.

# Examples

Updated on: 3/7/2024, 12:52:14 PM