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Emulation features are only available in sandbox environment.

When you are in Sandbox environment, all endpoints are interconnected with your HiPay staging environment (HiPay's equivalent to the Treezor Sandbox).

This means that you can emulate the full acquiring process without changing endpoints or payloads.


To emulate an Authorization you may use the following request.

The status attribute can take the following values :

  • 109 Authentication failed
  • 110 Blocked
  • 111 Denied
  • 112 Authorized and Pending
  • 113 Refused
  • 114 Expired
  • 115 Canceled
  • 116 Authorized (Default)
  • 142 Authorization Requested
  • 143 Authorization Cancelled
  • 175 Authorization Cancellation Requested
curl -X POST {baseUrl}/simulation/topups/cards/notification/authorizations \
	--header 'Authorization: Bearer {accessToken}' \
	--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
	-d '{payload}'

Here is a {payload} example:

	"amount": {amount},
	"currency": "EUR",
	"walletId": "{walletId}",
	"userId": "{userId}",					// Optional
	"cardPaymentMethod": { 					// Mandatoy for 116 status only. Omit otherwise.
		"brand": "string",
		"cardExpiryMonth": "string",
		"cardExpiryYear": "string",
		"cardHolder": "string",
		"country": "string",
		"issuer": "string",
		"maskedPan": "string",
		"token": "string"
	"status": {statusOfTheSimulatedNotification},		// optional
	"transactionReference": "{transactionReference}",	// Mandatory for all statuses except 116
	"profile": "{profile}"								// Mandatory for multi-MID

Returns the following.

	"transactionReference": "string",
	"authorizationId": "string"


To emulate a Payin you may use the following request.

The status attribute can take the following values :

  • 117 Capture Requested
  • 118 Captured (Default)
  • 173 Capture Refused
curl -X POST {baseUrl}/simulation/topups/cards/notification/payins \
	--header 'Authorization: Bearer {accessToken}' \
	--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
	-d '{payload}'

Here is a {payload} example:

	"amount": {amount},
	"currency": "EUR",
	"walletId": "{walletId}",
	"userId": "{userId}",								// Optional
	// "cardPaymentMethod": "{cardPaymentMethod}", 		// Omit, for status 116 only
	"status": {statusOfTheSimulatedNotification},		// optional
	"transactionReference": "{transactionReference}",	// Mandatory (except 116)
	"profile": "{profile}"								// Mandatory for multi-MID

Returns the following:

	"transactionReference": "string",
	"payinId": "string"


To emulate a Refund you may use the following request.

The status attribute can take the following values :

  • 124 Refund Requested
  • 125 Refunded (Default)
  • 126 Partially Refunded
  • 165 Refund Refused
curl -X POST {baseUrl}/simulation/topups/cards/notification/refunds \
	--header 'Authorization: Bearer {accessToken}' \
	--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
	-d '{payload}'

Here is a {payload} example:

	"amount": {amount},
	"currency": "EUR",
	"walletId": "{walletId}",
	"userId": "{userId}",								// Optional
	// "cardPaymentMethod": "{cardPaymentMethod}", 		// Omit, for status 116 only
	"status": {statusOfTheSimulatedNotification},		// optional
	"transactionReference": "{transactionReference}",	// Mandatory (except 116)
	"profile": "{profile}"								// Mandatory for multi-MID

Returns the following.

	"transactionReference": "string",
	"refundId": "string"


To emulate a Chargeback you only need the transactionReference.

The transaction reference is provided in response to the authorization step, or in response to the payin creation step if you have skipped the authorization step.

The following request emulates a Chargeback for the full amount of the transaction.

curl -X POST {baseUrl}/simulation/topups/cards/notification/chargebacks \
	--header 'Authorization: Bearer {accessToken}' \
	--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
	-d '{payload}'

Here is a {payload} example:

	"transactionReference": "{transactionReference}"

Returns an object containing the chargebackId:

	"transactionReference": "string",
	"chargebackId": "string"

Card Acquisition Legacy

You may emulate a Card Acquisition using the following request. Please note emulated payins can't be refunded.


  • userId the User's id (expected as a string)
  • walletId the User's Wallet id (expected as a string)
  • amount the amount to credit (expected as a float)
  • currency must be EUR
  • status (expected as a integer)
    • 109 for an authentication failure
    • 110 for a rejection due to fraud suspicion
    • 113 for a refusal by the payment institution
    • 115 for a payment timeout
    • 116 for an authorization request
    • 117 for a capture request
    • 118 for a successful Card Acquisition
    • 129 for a chargeback
    • 173 for a refused capture
  • transactionReference an arbitrary reference, optional but mandatory when emulating a complete flow composed of multiple requests


To emulate a complete flow, you can set a status = 117 followed by a 118 while specifying the same transactionReference for both requests.

curl -X POST {baseUrl}/simulation/acquiring/payin \
	--header 'Authorization: Bearer {accessToken}' \
	--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
	-d '{
		"userId": {userId},
		"walletId": {walletId},
		"amount": 100,
		"currency": "EUR",
		"status": 118,
		"transactionReference" : "{temporaryHiPayTransactionReference}"