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Users refer to your end users, whether they represent legal entities or physical persons. They can be directly created and managed from your Dashboard.

Accessing your users

You may access your user information by:

  • Taking advantage of the main Search toolbar
  • Navigating the All Users view

Search toolbar

The Dashboard main toolbar provides a series of user attributes-based search fields.

dashboard search fields

You may take advantage of the search fields available in the main toolbar to find a specific user based on its:

  • User Id – Corresponds to the userId automatically generated by Treezor when creating a user.
  • User Tag – Corresponds to the userTag, a field you can populate to suit your needs.
  • Email – The email provided during the user creation.
  • Name – Takes into account the firstName, lastName, legalName and email provided during the user creation.

Once one of the fields is populated, click on the "Search" button to launch the search.

dashboard search button
Bulb icon

Tip – Additional search fields

You may search the following objects:

  • Card – Takes into account the cardId or the publicToken of the Card.
  • Wallet – The walletId automatically generated by Treezor upon creating a Wallet.

All Users view

The All Users view provides a table listing all your users with some key information. Upon clicking on a user, it opens the corresponding profile in the Profiles Board view.

dashboard all users view

To help you navigate through the list, you have the following filters available:

  • User type – Allows you to display only one type of user (physical user, business user, non-governmental organization or governmental organization).
  • Date range – Allows you to display only users within a specific timeframe.
  • User status – Allows you to display only users with the selected status (Pending, Validated, Canceled).
all users filters

Click on the “Clear” button on the rightmost side of the filters section to reset all the filters.

Profile boards view

The Profile Boards view is empty until you’ve performed a search or selected a user-related object.

The view then displays as many tabs as there are selected users, with exhaustive information to navigate through.

profile board view

User information

Once a user is selected, all the information is broken down into tabs for you to easily manage.

profile iconProfileAll the key information about the user, such as their identity, contact information, creation and modification dates, KYC Status and financial data.
kyc iconKYCFor you to follow the user KYC process, and request for a review. Find out more in the KYC article.
wallet iconWalletsAll the user Wallets for you to manage. Find out more in the Wallets article.
card iconCardsAll the user Cards for you to manage. Find out more in the Cards article.
user group iconBeneficiariesAll the user external accounts, sorted by usage. Find out more in the Beneficiaries article.
children iconChildren UsersA diagram representing the Children Users attached to the currently selected user.

Managing users

Update user information

If you have the relevant rights, you can update existing user information.

Make sure the provided data is in accordance with the Compliance rules in terms of KYC.

Manage user tax residence

When declaring the tax residence, you need to provide the country and Tax Identification Number (TIN) of the user (optional for all the countries except for US taxpayers).

It is possible to edit the user Tax Residence by clicking on the "More" button (vertical ellipsis) of the dedicated section, and selecting the "Edit tax residences" option in the menu.

Tax Residence section
Tax Residence edit

As a result, the Tax residences popup is displayed, allowing you to manage the user's tax residence.

Update Tax Residence popup

Click on the "Add Tax Residence" button to declare a new tax residence. Fill in the displayed fields with the relevant country and Tax Identification Number, then "Save Changes" to complete your new declaration.

save changes button

Deactivate a User

When a User is not in business with you anymore, you may deactivate them.

Paperclip icon

Prerequisites – Users can only be deactivated if

  • They are in an active status
  • Their Wallet Balance is 0

To deactivate a user, you can use the "Deactivate user" button accessible from their profile. This action is irreversible.

deactivate user button

A success message is then displayed in the top of the view and the user status becomes "Canceled".

Note icon

Note – Users can't be deleted

For regulatory reasons, users can't be deleted. Once deactivated, they will still be displayed in the user list, with a "Canceled" status.

About user onboarding

When User onboard themselves using the Onboarding with Connect feature, they can either:

  • Complete the onboarding by clicking the activation link in an email
  • Forget or fail to accomplish this step

The Onboarding Users view provides two lists of users depending on whether the user has completed their onboarding.

Once the onboarding is complete, Users are assigned a userId in addition to their TrzConnectUserId and are searchable.

Send a password-reset email to a User

When a User loses their password, you may send them a password change email using the "Send forgot password" button accessible from their profile.

users send forgot password email

Upon doing so, a confirmation popup is displayed, indicating to which email address the message will be sent.

Gear icon

Configuration – Feature activation specificities

The reset password feature is only available under certain conditions. Please contact your Treezor Account Manager for more information.

Managing SCA devices

The Dashboard allows you to manage the devices used by the end user for Strong Customer Authentication (SCA).

You may find information about SCA devices in the Profile Boards view, Profile tab, if enabled in the Configuration. Each device corresponds to a created SCA Wallet for the selected user on either:

The following information is available regarding an SCA device: status, creation date, device information (web or mobile), and the tag (custom information).

Additionally, the section displays:

  • A picklist when several devices are registered.
  • The lock reason and message when the device is locked.
  • The "More" button (vertical ellipsis) to access commands.
Active device

The following device statuses are available:

  • Passcode missing – The user has to define their PIN (initially or after a reset request).
  • Active – The user has defined their PIN. The device may be used for SCA.
  • Locked – The device has been locked.

Available commands depend on the device status and your User Role:

password iconReset PINAllows you to send a request to the end user to reset their SCA PIN code. For mobile devices only. 
Should only be done if you're sure of the user identity.
lock unlock iconSecure SCAAllows you to lock the device, hence not allowing the user go through strong customer authentication.
lock unlock iconUnlock SCAAllows you to unlock the device.
Should only be done if you're sure of the user identity.
delete iconDelete SCAAllows you to delete the device.
View deleted devicesAllows you to access the list of all the devices that used to be enrolled. This may prove useful for customer services and fraud analysis for instance.

Securing SCA on a device

You may lock the device used for Strong Customer Authentication by using the "Secure SCA on this device" command.

When doing so, you are prompted to select a reason for securing the device, and you can add a securing message. As a result, the device is "Locked" and the entered information is displayed in the "Lock reason" and "Message" fields.

Secure popup
Locked device
Lock icon

Security – End user information must be verified prior to unlocking

The "Unlock SCA for this device" and "Reset PIN" commands are available, but should be used with caution. It is your responsibility to make sure the user information is accurate to avoid any kind of fraudulent behavior.