# Introduction

Treezor allows you to issue both Physical and Virtual Cards. This section focuses on Card creation, management, and transactions.

Prior to start working with Cards, you must have a Card Program set up with Treezor.

Info icon

Information – Card Top-up feature also available

If you're looking to receive card payments to credit a Wallet, see the Card Acquiring section of the documentation.

# Card Program

Your Card Program defines the design and configuration of the issued Cards. Your Welcome Pack provided by Treezor contains all the forms to fill in.

Card Programs require the help of Treezor teams. Contact your:

Once your Card Program set up, Treezor will give you your cardPrint. This value is the unique identifier of you Card Program and is required to create Cards.

# Card Design AM

You can design both your cards and their shipping packaging.

Your Welcome Pack contains forms and templates for Physical Cards and Virtual Cards design, along with resources to design your cards while abiding by:

  • The guidelines provided by the schemes (e.g., Mastercard, Visa, etc.).
  • The predefined formats from the card printing third-party.

# Card Product & Customization options IM

Your Card Product defines options such as Permissions Group and default limits for the Cards you issue.

You can also add logos, customized text, and specify packaging and card design on a per-Card basis. See the Customization article for more information.

# Key words

  • Authorization is the process of authorizing a Card payment by the issuing bank
  • Settlement is the last step of a Card payment and allows funds to be debited from/credited to the cardholder's account.
  • Cardholder is a person that has been issued a Card in one or several form factors (Physical Card, Virtual Card etc.)
  • Merchant is a business (physical shops, e-commerce websites) that accepts card payments
  • Acquirer is a financial institution that has a contract with the merchant (usually a merchant’s bank) to accept payment cards
  • Issuer is a financial institution that is a licensed member of a Card network and that issues Cards to cardholders
  • Card network such as Mastercard and Visa, provides the platform that connects merchants, acquirers and issuers to allow Card transactions to take place
  • Card program defines the scope of a Card issuance project. It covers: Card usages, Card design, Card type, product type (prepaid, debit, credit...), restrictions, etc.

# Key attributes

Below are some of the most important Card attributes.

Attribute Type Description
isLive integer The activation status of the Card. Cards are issued inactive and activated by an API call.
  • 0 – Not activated yet
  • 1 – Activated
statusCode integer The current Card status such as active, stolen, temporarily or permanently blocked
pinTryExceeds integer Indicates if the PIN try limit has been exceeded (when set to 1, the PIN is blocked)
cardDesign string The Card Print Id, the design that is/will be printed on the Card
optionAtm integer The ability to make withdrawals at ATM machines
optionForeign integer The ability to use the Card outside of the user's country
optionOnline integer The ability to use the Card for online Payments
optionNfc integer The ability to use the Card for contactless payment
embossedName string The cardholder's name, as embossed or etched on the Card
maskedPan string The PAN with the middle numbers redacted for safety.
publicToken string 9-character long string printed on the Card. It can be used to activate a card
code icon

API – Swagger documentation available

For a complete list of Card attributes, check the Cards section of the Swagger.

# Structure

# Endpoints

Endpoint Description Scope
/v1/cards Search Cards read_only
/v1/cards/{cardId} Retrieve a Card using its id read_only
/v1/cards/{cardId} Update a Card information read_write
/v1/cards/{cardId}/Activate Activate a Card initially read_write
/v1/cards/{cardId}/Assign Assign or Reassign a Card to a User read_write
/v1/cards/{cardId}/ChangePIN Change a PIN (requires to know the previous one) read_write
/v1/cards/{cardId}/setPIN Define a PIN code read_write
/v1/cards/{cardId}/UnblockPIN Unblock a PIN code read_write
/v1/cards/{cardId}/ConvertVirtual Convert a Virtual Card to a Physical one read_write
/v1/cards/{cardId}/Limits Change a Card limits read_write
/v1/cards/{cardId}/Options Change a Card options read_write
/v1/cards/{cardId}/LockUnlock Toggle the locking status of a Card read_write
/v1/cards/{cardId}/Regenerate Regenerate a Virtual Card image read_write
/v1/cards/CreateVirtual Create a new Virtual Card read_write
/v1/cards/RequestPhysical Request a new Physical Card read_write
/v1/cards/Register3DS Register a Card for 3D Secure read_write
/v1/cardimages Retrieve a Virtual (or Virtual converted) Card image read_write
/v1/cardtransactions Search Card transactions read_only
/v1/cardtransactions/{cardTransactionId} Retrieve a specific transaction, using its id read_only
/v1/auth-requests/{authenticationRequestID}/result Answer to a Strong Customer Authentication request read_write
/v1/cards/{cardId}/renewalDetails Update the card renewal options. admin, legal, read_write
/v1/cards/{cardId}/renewalDetails Retrieve the card renewal options. admin, legal, read_write
/v1/cards/{cardId}/renew Renew a Card manually. admin, legal, read_write

# Object relations diagram

Bulb icon

Tip – Diagram is interactive

Click on the diagram nodes to access the relevant documentation.

Updated on: 7/22/2024, 1:55:11 PM