# Introduction

The Dashboard is a web application that allows you to do many management tasks from the comfort of a GUI, without writing a single line of code.

Bulb icon

Tip – Get started with no development effort

The Dashboard lets you create your Users, upload their Documents, and create their Virtual Cards in minutes.

# Features

The Dashboard allows you and your Dashboard Users to manage:

  • End Users – Search, create, edit and delete
  • KYC – Request and overview
  • Wallets – Create, check the balance, deactivate
  • Cards – Create in bulk, activate, edit limits and restrictions, update PIN
  • Beneficiaries – Create, edit and delete
  • Transfers – Search and create
  • Templates – Upload, edit, and delete
  • Webhooks – Subscribe and unsubscribe

# Environments

For each of the environments Treezor offers, a distinct Dashboard is available. The URLs are built as follows:

  • Sandboxhttps://dashboard-{yourCompanyName}.sandbox.treezor.co
  • Productionhttps://dashboard.{yourCompanyName}.api.treezor.co

# How to log in

There are two ways to log into the Dashboard:

When accessing your Dashboard URL, you will be redirected either to your own log-in page if you have configured your own SSO or to the Treezor log-in page.

treezor login page
treezor login page

Your Treezor Account Manager or the person who created your account provided you with your login and password.

About configuring your SSO

You need to contact Treezor to configure your SSO. Your Implementation Manager will ask for your SAML app configuration file (see Google documentation (opens new window) for example).

Then, you can define a SAML key when creating your Dashboard Users.

# Enter your passphrase

You have to enter a passphrase if the encryption feature is enabled.

The passphrase has been provided by your Treezor Account Manager or by the person who created your account.

Lock icon

Security – Keep your credentials safe

Never share your Dashboard login, password, or passphrase with anyone.

# Get to know the Dashboard Interface

Let’s take a quick guided tour of the key components of the Dashboard interface.

Note icon

Note – Your Dashboard is customizable

The views may differ from the screenshots displayed depending on:

  • Where you’re at in your integration process, if you’re customizing the design
  • The User Role of the logged-in user, if you’re not using all of Treezor’s features
  • Your localization and language selection
Dashboard homepage with sections
# Section Description
1 Navigation menu Located on the left-hand side, this menu allows you to navigate to the different views:
  • Dashboard views, which focus on the features
  • Configuration views, which are about setting up your Dashboard.
2 Main toolbar In the upper part of each view, the Main toolbar contains the search fields, the language selection, and the logout button.
3 Main view Main content, which depends on the selected view.
4 Environment In the bottom left corner, you’ll find information about your environment and the version of the Dashboard.
Updated on: 7/16/2024, 2:18:27 PM