Events description
If you wish to receive only a subset of webhooks, please contact your Treezor Account Manager.
Each documentation section has an article dedicated to the events triggered by a feature. Find below the list of categories of events.
Event name | Triggering action | Payload |
authorization.create | A card topup authorization was created. | authorization (Structure) |
authorization.update | A card topup authorization was updated. | authorization (Structure) |
authorization.cancel | A card topup authorization was canceled. | authorization (Structure) |
balance.update | A Wallet Balance has changed. | balance (Structure) |
beneficiary.create | A Beneficiary has been created. | beneficiary (Structure) |
beneficiary.update | A Beneficiary has been modified. | beneficiary (Structure) |
card3DSv2Authentication.create | A cardholder must be identified with 3DS authentication. | card3DSv2Authentication (Structure) |
card3DSv2Authentication.update | Indicates the final result of cardholder 3DS authentication. | card3DSv2Authentication (Structure) |
card.requestphysical | A Physical Card has been requested. | card (Structure) |
card.createvirtual | A Virtual Card has been created. | card (Structure) |
card.convertvirtual | A Virtual Card has been converted to a physical one. | card (Structure) |
card.expeditionTracking | The manufacturer mailed the card. | card (Structure) |
card.changepin | A Card PIN has been changed. | card (Structure) |
card.activate | A Card has been activated. | card (Structure) |
card.register3DS | A Card has been register for 3DS. | card (Structure) |
card.expiryAlert | A Card expires the next month. | card (Structure) |
card.renew | A Card has been renewed (the previous one has expired). | card (Structure) |
card.regenerate | A Card Image has been regenerated. | card (Structure) |
card.update | A Card mccRestristionGroupId , merchantRestrictionGroupId and countryRestrictionGroupId have been updated. | card (Structure) |
card.limits | A Card limits have been updated. | card (Structure) |
card.options | A Card options have been updated. | card (Structure) |
card.setpin | A Card PIN has been set. | card (Structure) |
card.unblockpin | A Card PIN has been unblocked. | card (Structure) |
card.lockunlock | A Card has been locked, unlocked, lost, stolen, or destroyed. | card (Structure) |
cardDigitalization.request | Production only. | cardDigitalization (Structure) |
cardDigitalization.update | Production only. | cardDigitalization (Structure) |
cardDigitalization.activation | Production only. | cardDigitalization (Structure) |
cardDigitalization.complete | Production only. | cardDigitalization (Structure) |
cardDigitalization.deactivated | Production only. | (Structure) |
cardtransaction.create | A Card Transaction has been initiated. | cardtransaction (Structure) |
card.acquiring.chargeback.create | A chargeback had been received. | card.acquiring (Structure) |
countryGroup.create | A country restriction group has been created. | countryGroup (Structure) |
countryGroup.update | A country restriction group has been updated. | countryGroup (Structure) |
countryGroup.cancel | A country restriction group has been cancelled. | countryGroup (Structure) |
document.create | A Document has been created. | document (Structure) |
document.update | A Document has been modified. | document (Structure) |
document.cancel | A Document has been deleted. | document (Structure) |
kycliveness.create | A User has sent documents through the live verification process. | kycliveness (Structure) |
kycliveness.update | The Live verification provided has analyzed the documents provided by the user. | kycliveness (Structure) |
mandate.create | A Mandate has been created. | mandate (Structure) |
mccGroup.create | A MCC restriction group has been created. | mccGroup (Structure) |
mccGroup.update | A MCC restriction group has been updated. | mccGroup (Structure) |
mccGroup.cancel | A MCC restriction group has been canceled. | mccGroup (Structure) |
merchantIdGroup.create | A MID restriction group has been created. | merchantIdGroup (Structure) |
merchantIdGroup.update | A MID restriction group has been updated. | merchantIdGroup (Structure) |
merchantIdGroup.cancel | A MID restriction group has been canceled. | merchantIdGroup (Structure) |
payin.create | A payin object has been created. | payin (Structure) |
payin.update | A payin object has been updated. | payin (Structure) |
payin.cancel | A payin object has been canceled. | payin (Structure) |
payinrefund.create | A Refund for a payin has been created. | payinrefund (Structure) |
payinrefund.update | A Refund for a payin has been updated. | payinrefund (Structure) |
payinrefund.cancel | A Refund for a payin has been canceled. | payinrefund (Structure) |
payout.create | A payout object has been created. | payout (Structure) |
payout.update | A payout object has been updated. | payout (Structure) |
payout.cancel | A payout object has been canceled. | payout (Structure) |
payoutRefund.create | A Refund for a payout has been created. | payoutRefund (Structure) |
payoutRefund.update | A Refund for a payout has been updated. | payoutRefund (Structure) |
payoutRefund.cancel | A Refund for a payout has been canceled. | payoutRefund (Structure) |
qes.created | The user completed the QES verification process. | qes (Structure) |
qes.processing | The QES verification process is under review on the verification provider side. | qes (Structure) |
qes.aborted | The user abandoned the QES process. | qes (Structure) |
qes.finalized | The QES process is done on the verification provider side, either successful or canceled. | qes (Structure) |
recallR.need_response | recallr (Structure) | |
sca.wallet.create | An SCA Wallet has been created. | scawallet (Structure) |
sca.wallet.swap | An SCA Wallet has been swapped. | scawallet (Structure) |
sepaSctrInst.reject_sctr_inst | sepaSctrInst (Structure) | |
sepa.refund_sddr | A SEPA Direct Debit (SDDR) has been refunded. | sepaSddr (Structure) |
sepa.reject_sddr_core | A SEPA Direct Debit (SDDR) has been rejected. | sepaSddr (Structure) |
sepa.reject_sddr_b2b | A SEPA Direct Debit (SDDR B2B) has been rejected. | sepaSddr (Structure) |
sepa.return_sctr | Production only. | sepaSctr (Structure) |
sepa.return_sddr | A SEPA Direct Debit (SDDR) has been returned. | sepaSdde (Structure) |
separecallsctrinst.reception | separecallsctrinst (Structure) | |
sepa_sddr.reception | sepa_sddr (Structure) | |
topupCard.validate | A Card Topup has been validated. | topupCard (Structure) |
topupCard.cancel | A Card Topup has been canceled. | topupCard (Structure) |
transaction.create | A Transaction was created. | transaction (Structure) |
transfer.create | A Wallet-to-Wallet Transfer has been created. | transfer (Structure) |
transfer.update | A Wallet-to-Wallet Transfer has been updated. | transfer (Structure) |
transfer.cancel | A Wallet-to-Wallet Transfer has been canceled. | transfer (Structure) |
user.create | A User has been created. | user (Structure) |
user.update | A User has been modified. | user (Structure) |
user.cancel | A User has been deactivated. | user (Structure) |
user.kycreview | Treezor has validated or refused the User KYC. | user (Structure) |
user.kycrequest | A User requested a KYC Review. | user (Structure) |
videoConference.created | The user completed the video conference verification process. | videoConference (Structure) |
videoConference.processing | The video conference verification process is under review on the verification provider side. | videoConference (Structure) |
videoConference.aborted | The user abandoned the video conference process. | videoConference (Structure) |
videoConference.finalized | The verification process is done on the verification provider side, either successful or canceled. | videoConference (Structure) |
wallet.create | A Wallet has been created. | wallet (Structure) |
wallet.update | A Wallet has been modified. | wallet (Structure) |
wallet.cancel | A Wallet has been deactivated. | wallet (Structure) |