# Scheduled Payments Beta

Scheduled Payment orders allow you to plan a payment execution in the future, whether it is a unique operation or recurring ones. Scheduled Payments can be used for both Payouts (SCTE) and Wallet-to-Wallet Transfers.

The steps are as follows:

  1. You create a Scheduled Payment order with the desired settings (type, dates, etc.)
  2. The resulting Transfer(s) or Payout(s) occur at the scheduled date(s).
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Information – Scheduled Payment is a Beta feature

Please contact your Treezor Account Manager if you're interested in this feature.

# Attributes

Find below the list of attributes for the Scheduled Payment object.

Attribute Type Description
id string The unique identifier of the Scheduled Payment (UUIDv4).
status string The status of the Scheduled Payment, which is either VALIDATED or CANCELED.
scheduledPaymentName string The label describing the goal of the Scheduled Payment.
walletId integer The unique identifier of the Wallet to debit.
beneficiaryType string The type of beneficiary for the operation, which can be:
  • payout – The Scheduled Payment targets an external account.
  • walletTransfer – The Scheduled Payment targets another Wallet in your Treezor environment.
beneficiary integer The unique identifier of the beneficiary of the Scheduled Payment, which can be either beneficiaryId for Payouts or beneficiaryWalletId for Wallet-to-Wallet transfers.
amount float The amount of the Scheduled Payment.
type string The type of Scheduled Payment, which can be:
  • oneshot – The payment will occur only once.
  • periodic – The payment will occur periodically over a defined timeframe.
execAt string The date on which the a oneshot Scheduled Payment is to be executed. This date must be set at least one day in the future. Format: YYYY-MM-DD.
startAt string The date from which a periodic Scheduled Payment execution starts. This date must be set at least one day in the future. Format: YYYY-MM-DD.
endAt string The date on which a periodic Scheduled Payment ends. This date must be set after the startAt date. Format: YYYY-MM-DD.
creationDate string The date and time at which the Scheduled Payment was created.
period string The frequency at which a periodic Scheduled Payment is to occur. Can be: weekly, monthly, quarterly, bi-annual, or annual.
beneficiaryLabel string The label that will be displayed for the Scheduled Payments, regardless of the type. Max. 140 characters.
currency string The currency of the Scheduled Payments. Can only be EUR.
userId integer The unique identifier of the User owning the Wallet to debit.
amr array The type of SCA for per-operation SCA (e.g., CLOUD_PIN, HYBRID_PIN, DEVICE_BIOMETRIC).
failedPayment object Additional information in case of a failed payment (date, error code and error message).
endToEndId string The end-to-end identifier, for Payouts only. Max. 24 characters.
Allowed characters: alphanumeric and / - ? : ( ) . , +  (space).
Musn't start nor end with /, and musn't contain //.

# Structure of a Scheduled Payment

# Creating a Scheduled Payment order

The required parameters to create a Scheduled Payment order vary depending on the type:

# Schedule a one-time payment

Attribute Type Description
scheduledPaymentName string The label describing the goal of the Scheduled Payment.
walletId integer The unique identifier of the Wallet to debit.
beneficiaryType string The type of beneficiary for the operation, which can be:
  • payout – The Scheduled Payment targets an external account.
  • walletTransfer – The Scheduled Payment targets another Wallet in your Treezor environment.
beneficiary integer The unique identifier of the beneficiary of the Scheduled Payment, which can be either beneficiaryId for Payouts or beneficiaryWalletId for Wallet-to-Wallet transfers.
amount float The amount of the Scheduled Payment.
type string The type of Scheduled Payment, which can be:
  • oneshot – The payment will occur only once.
  • periodic – The payment will occur periodicly over a defined timeframe.
execAt string The date on which the a oneshot Scheduled Payment is to be executed. This date must be set at least one day in the future. Format: YYYY-MM-DD.
beneficiaryLabel string The label that will be displayed for the Scheduled Payments, regardless of the type. Max. 140 characters.
currency string The currency of the Scheduled Payments. Can only be EUR.
endToEndId string The end-to-end identifier, for Payouts only. Max. 24 characters.

You can use the following request to create your scheduled payment order.

Here is an example of {payload}:

Returns the Scheduled Payment object:

# Schedule a periodic payment

Attribute Type Description
scheduledPaymentName string The label describing the goal of the Scheduled Payment.
walletId integer The unique identifier of the Wallet to debit.
beneficiaryType string The type of beneficiary for the operation, which can be:
  • payout – The Scheduled Payment targets an external account.
  • walletTransfer – The Scheduled Payment targets another Wallet in your Treezor environment.
beneficiary integer The unique identifier of the beneficiary of the Scheduled Payment, which can be either beneficiaryId for Payouts or beneficiaryWalletId for Wallet-to-Wallet transfers.
amount float The amount of the Scheduled Payment.
type string The type of Scheduled Payment, which can be:
  • oneshot – The payment will occur only once.
  • periodic – The payment will occur periodicly over a defined timeframe.
startAt string The date from which a periodic Scheduled Payment execution starts. This date must be set at least one day in the future. Format: YYYY-MM-DD.
endAt string The date on which a periodic Scheduled Payment ends. This date must be set after the startAt date. Format: YYYY-MM-DD.
period string The frequency at which a periodic Scheduled Payment is to occur. Can be: weekly, monthly, quarterly, bi-annual, or annual.
beneficiaryLabel string The label that will be displayed for the Scheduled Payments, regardless of the type. Max. 140 characters.
currency string The currency of the Scheduled Payments. Can only be EUR.
endToEndId string The end-to-end identifier, for Payouts only. Max. 24 characters.

You can use the following request to create your scheduled payment order.

Here is an example of {payload}:

Returns the Scheduled Payment object:

# Retrieving the executed payments

To see all the operations linked to a given Scheduled Payment order, you can use the following request (which supports cursor-based pagination).

Returns an array of payment objects, along with a cursor if some payments have already been made against the order.

If no payment have been made against the Scheduled Payment order, a HTTP 204 is returned with an empty list.

# Cancelling a Scheduled Payment

You may want to cancel a Scheduled Payment order, especially in the case of recurring payments with no end dates.

You can use the following request:

Returns the corresponding Scheduled Payment object with a status set to CANCELED.

# Endpoints

Endpoint Description Scope
/core-connect/scheduledPayment Create a Scheduled Payment read_write
/core-connect/scheduledPayment Retrieve Scheduled Payments based on the corresponding userId and/or walletId read_only
/core-connect/scheduledPayment/{scheduledPaymentId} Cancel a Scheduled Payment order read_write
/core-connect/scheduledPayment/{scheduledPaymentId}/payments Retrieve the list of executed payments for a given Scheduled Payment order read_write
Updated on: 5/2/2024, 1:13:13 PM