# Emulation

Emulation features are only available in Sandbox environment.

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Tip – You can also rely on webhooks

For operations that cannot be emulated in the Sandbox, webhook examples are provided.

# KYC validation

Emulate the KYC validation of a single user by adding a suffix to the User's lastname using the following request:

Suffix kycLevel kycReview Description
.validated 2 2 The User is REGULAR / VALIDATED
.refused 4 3 The User is REFUSED / REFUSED

Wait a few minutes and make a /v1/users/{userId} request for the User you've just updated.

The API returns the User with the emulated kycLevel and kycReview.

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Information – Emulation incompatible with Parent-Children hierarchical relations

As opposed to the API behavior when requesting a KYC Review, emulating the validation of a parent user won't have any consequence on its children.

# Example

Let's take an example in which we'd like to simulate a KYC refusal of a User.

With a {payload} containing the suffixed lastname:

You need to retrieve the User a few moments after the update with the following request:

The User object returned with the updated kycLevel and kycReview.

# KYC Liveness

# Refused Liveness

To emulate a refused Liveness process, create a User under one name and provide documents (ID Card, driving license, etc.) under a different name during the Liveness.

# Accepted Liveness

To emulate an accepted Liveness process, create a User under one name and provide documents (ID Card, driving license, etc.) in the same name during the liveness.

Updated on: 7/5/2024, 8:19:22 AM