# Physical Users

A Physical User is a human individual, identified by a first name, last name, date of birth, address, etc. They have a userTypeId of 1.

# Creation

# Parameters

Below are the necessary parameters to create Physical Users.

While some parameters might not be required by the API, they are necessary when it comes to the KYC validation of the user, so they should be collected from the creation (or you may have to update the user information later on).

Attribute Type Description
userTypeId integer Must be 1 for physical users.
specifiedUSPerson integer Indicates if the user is a US Person.
email string The email of the user, which must be valid and can't exceed 200 characters.
(required for KYC)
string The title of the user, which can be one of the followin: M (mr), MME (mrs), or MLLE (miss).
(required for KYC)
string The user's first name.
(required for KYC)
string The user's last name.
(required for KYC)
string The user's birth date. Format YYYY-MM-DD
(required for KYC)
string The user's place of birth.
(required for KYC)
string The user's birth country (format ISO 3166-1 alpha-2)
(required for KYC)
string The user's nationality (format ISO 3166-1 alpha-2)
mobile string The user's mobile phone number, in international E.164 format.
(required for KYC)
string The user's postal address. The max value for each address line is 150 characters. If you're issuing cards, see the Data Formats article for information on further limitations.
(required for KYC)
string The user's address postcode.
(required for KYC)
string The user's address city.
(required for KYC)
string The user's address country (format ISO 3166-1 alpha-2)
(required for KYC)
string The User phone number in international E.164 format (opens new window).
occupationType string Type of occupation of the user, among the following: self_employed, public_sector_employees, private_sector_employees, retired_people_and_students, without_any_professional_activity
(required for KYC)
string Annual income range in k€. Ranges are the following: 0-18, 19-23, 24-27, 28-35, 36-56, and 57-*.
personalAssets string The User personal assets range in k€. Ranges are the following: 0-2, 3-22, 23-128, 129-319, 320-464, and 465-.
(required for KYC if)
string The country in which the end user is using your services. This field is only required when you operate in multiple countries.
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Information – Refer to your KYC Form for declarative data

Declarative data to submit depends on the type of user, the country you're operating in, the regulations linked to your use case, etc. Treezor Compliance team provides you with your KYC Form so you know what needs to be submitted.

# Request example

Here is an example of {payload}:

Returns a User object, with both its kycLevel and kycReview initialy set to NONE. The user now needs to go through the KYC validation process.

# Anonymous Users

An Anonymous User is a user only represented by its unique email address. No other declarative data is required, nor is the mandatory KYC validation.

This specific user is intended for limited use cases such as:

  • Gift cards which are not associated to a specific user.
  • Bulk card creation, where the anonymous user is used as a placeholder until the card can be assigned to its owner.
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Information – Because they are not KYC-validated, anonymous users have limited usage

  • Payment, withdrawal, and transfer limits are highly restricted.
  • If an address verification occurs during a payment (AVS), the transaction can be refused.
  • 3DS verifications will be rejected as no secondary means of validation are available.

# Parameters

Attribute Type Description
userTypeId integer Must be 1 for physical users.
specifiedUSPerson integer Indicates if the user is a US Person.
email string The email of the anonymous user, which must be valid and can't exceed 200 characters.
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Tip – User address must be unique even for bulk card creation

When generating a batch of Cards in advance and associating them to Anonymous Users, your can generate random and ficticious email addresses

# Creation

Here is an example of {payload}:

Returns a User object if successful:

Among the Physical Users that can be created in Treezor, there is the case of the Shareholders and the Legal Representatives of a company.

These specific physical users, identified with the parentType attribute:

Updated on: 7/3/2024, 10:28:47 AM