# SEPA Instant Payments

The SEPA Instant Credit Transfer is a real-time electronic payment method allowing for rapid and secure fund transfers between bank accounts within the SEPA region. The rapid processing offers a settlement within a matter of seconds, providing users with immediate access to transferred funds.

Key benefits:

  • Real-time transfers – Allows for almost instant availability of funds to the recipient.
  • SEPA region coverage – Operates within the SEPA, ensuring cross-border transfers in multiple European countries.
  • 24/7 availability – Processes transfers 7 days a week, including weekends and holidays.
  • Secure and efficient – Enforces security measures to safeguard transfers while keeping an efficient process.
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Configuration – SCT Inst are not enabled by default

You can request access to the SDD or SCT feature by contacting your Treezor Account Manager.

At Treezor, instant payments can be used in two directions:

# Received Instant Credit Transfers (SCTR Inst)

An SCTR Inst is a variant of an SCTR, that is received and makes funds available within about 10 seconds of its emission. Therefore, contrary to the classic SCTR, an SCTR Inst can be received any day, any time.

When an SCTR Inst is received and accepted:

  • A Payin is created with its status immediately set to VALIDATED
  • A payin.create webhook is sent (paymentMethodId valued to 27 for SCTR Inst).
  • A Transaction is also created (transactionType valued to 15).

You can retrieve an SCTR Inst using the /v1/payins/{payinId} request.

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Information – SCTR Inst amount is limited to:

  • €10,000 in B2C context
  • €50,000 in B2B context

Upon mutual agreement with Treezor, these limits may be lowered.

# Structure of an SCTR Inst Payin

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Caution – UserId initial value in Production

In Production environment, all SCTR Inst are initially received with userId attribute valued to 3. It is strictly forbidden to use this value, this is a technical user for Treezor use only.

# Rejection

Treezor may reject an SCTR Inst, if the Wallet is closed or if the amount exceeds the limits for instance.

When an SCTR Inst is rejected by Treezor:

# Recall

To answer to a Recall regarding an SCTR Inst, please check out the dedicated article.

# Emitted Instant Credit Transfers (SCTE Inst) Beta

An SCTE Inst is a variant of an SCTE, that makes funds available for the beneficiary within about 10 seconds of its emission. Therefore, contrary to the classic SCTE, an SCTE Inst can be sent any day, any time.

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Information – SCTE Inst is a Beta feature

This feature is not available by default and is only available for SCA-compliant implementations. Please contact your Treezor Account Manager if you're interested.

When an SCTE Inst is emitted, Treezor updates the Balance authorizations accordingly (balance.update webhook) while making a series of checks to determine if the beneficiary account is eligible to instant payout. Then:

  • The payout is created (payout.create) with a temporary PENDING status.
  • Once the payout confirmed, Treezor sends a series of webhooks (payout.update, balance.update, transaction.create) while the account is debited.
Accepted SCTE Inst webhooks diagram

Please bear in mind that Treezor cannot guarantee you will receive the webhooks in the relevant order. See the Race conditions article for more information.

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Information – SCTE Inst can't be canceled

The /v1/payouts/{payoutId} endpoint is not available for SCTE Inst.

# Structure of an SCTE Inst Payout

# Parameters

Below are the main attributes to create a SEPA Credit Transfer Payout.

Attribute Type Description
payoutTypeId integer Value must be 3 for Instant Payment.
walletId integer The unique identifier of the debited Wallet.
beneficiaryId integer The unique identifier of the Beneficiary of the Transfer. You must have created the Beneficiary object beforehand.
amount float The amount of the credit transfer.
currency string The currency of the credit transfer. Must be EUR.

For the transfer to be successful, make sure the information of the User associated to the Beneficiary is accurate:

  • The name must be at least 2-character long (firstname + lastname or legalName) .
  • The address must be at least 4-character long (addressLine{1|2|3} + postcode + city)

# Request

Use the following request:

Here is an example of {payload}:

Returns a VALIDATED Payout object with the payoutTypeId value to 3.

Treezor also sends a payout.create webhook.

You can retrieve an SCTE Inst using the /v1/payouts/{payoutId} request.

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Tip – reasonCode and reasonDescription provide information in case of rejection

You can refer to the list of reason codes in the corresponding section. As opposed to regular SCT, the SCTE Inst can't have R-trans of type "Return".

# Recall

You may request a Recall for the SCTE Inst. For more information, please refer to the Emitting SCTE Inst Recalls article.

Updated on: 7/25/2024, 12:43:57 PM