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Beneficiaries are bank accounts that are outside of your Treezor ecosystem (as opposed to Wallets). They are therefore the target of Payouts (SEPA Direct Debit and SEPA Credit Transfers).

Accessing Beneficiaries

You may access beneficiaries information by navigating the Profile Boards view, Beneficiaries tab once a user is selected.

beneficiaries tab

The view is broken down into 3 sub-tabs:

SEPA Credit Transfer sub-tab

The SEPA Credit Transfer tab displays all the bank accounts to which funds can be sent with a SEPA Credit Transfer. This operation is referred to as an SCTE payout and can be made from the Dashboard.

beneficiaries tab

You can initiate such Payouts in the Dashboard from the Wallets tab.

For each beneficiary, the following fields are available:

  • Status – Either "Activated" or "Deactivated"
  • Name – Displays the name of the beneficiary followed by the Tag in parentheses.
  • IBAN
  • BIC

The following commands are available:

view buttonViewDisplays the Beneficiary details popup.
edit buttonEditDisplays the Edit Beneficiary popup.

SEPA Direct Debit (B2C) sub-tab

The SEPA Direct Debit (B2C) tab displays all the bank accounts from which Wallets can be debited, using a SEPA Direct Debit. This operation is referred to as an SDDR payout.

beneficiaries tab

Beneficiaries in this tab are automatically created when debiting a Wallet using a SEPA Direct Debit (SDDR).

For each beneficiary, the following fields are available:

The following commands are available:

view buttonViewDisplays the Beneficiary details popup.
edit buttonEditDisplays the Edit Beneficiary popup.

SEPA Direct Debit (B2B) sub-tab

The SEPA Direct Debit (B2B) tab displays all the bank accounts from which Wallets can be debited, using a SEPA Direct Debit. This operation is referred to as an SDDR payout.

beneficiaries tab

A beneficiary must be created first in order to be able to receive SEPA Direct Debit in B2B context. Indeed, the unique mandate reference is necessary for the reception of a SEPA Direct Debit.

For each beneficiary, the following fields are available:

  • Status – Either "Activated" or "Deactivated"
  • Name – Displays the name of the beneficiary followed by the Tag in parentheses.
  • IBAN
  • BIC
  • SEPA Creditor Identifier – The unique reference of an SDDR.
  • Whitelist – List of allowed Unique Mandate Reference (UMR), which is mandatory for B2B Direct Debit.

The following commands are available:

view buttonViewDisplays the Beneficiary details popup.
edit buttonEditDisplays the Edit Beneficiary popup.

Creating Beneficiaries

To create a new Beneficiary, click on the "Create Beneficiary" button located in the upper right-corner of the Beneficiaries tab.

create a beneficiary button

The Add Beneficiary popup is displayed and provides different fields to fill in depending on the kind of beneficiary you wish to create (SEPA Credit Transfer, SEPA Direct Credit, or B2B SEPA Direct Debit).

Add beneficiary popup SCT

In the specific case of B2B SEPA Direct Debit, you need to fill in information about the Mandate for the SDDR to be processed.

Add beneficiary popup SCT
  • Mandate reference – The Unique Mandate Reference (UMR).
  • Recurrent – Toggle the option if the mandate is a recurring payment.
  • Wallet ID – When specified, the SDD will only be accepted if the targeted wallet is the indicated one.