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The Cards are the payment cards you issue for your end users, either in a virtual or physical form. They can be directly created and managed from your Dashboard.

Accessing Cards

You may access card information by:

  • Taking advantage of the main Search toolbar
  • Navigating the Profile Boards view, Cards tab once a user is selected

Search toolbar

The Dashboard main toolbar provides a series of search fields, most of them being based on user attributes.

Among those fields, the Card Token one takes into account the cardId or the publicToken of the Card.

card token filter
Bulb icon

Tip – Find out more about the filters

You may read the Search toolbar article to learn everything you need to know about the search fields.

Once you've clicked on the "Search" button for a given card, you are redirected to the corresponding user Profile, Cards tab.

Profiles Board view, Cards tab

Once you've accessed a user Profile, you may click on the Cards tab in order to view all the cards attached to the user.

cards tab

The view is divided into two sections:

  • Cards – On the left-hand side, you can navigate and manage the user cards.
  • Transactions – On the right-hand side, you can view the transactions of the selected card. When the card is not activated yet, this section contains the "Activate Card" button.

Card preview

In the Cards tab, Cards section, the card preview is displayed. When several cards are available, you can navigate by using the numbers below the card.

The following card information is available in the preview: card type (whether it is virtual, physical or converted to virtual), cardholder's name, card status, partially masked PAN, expiration date, unique identifier and public token.

card preview and fields
card preview and fields

The following commands can be available (depending on the situation):

  • Block Card – Opens the Card settings popup, Block Card tab
  • More – Provides access to the following options:
    • Card settings – Opens the Card settings popup. This popup may be read-only if the card is in an inactive status.
    • Wallet redirect – Switches the view to the Wallets tab, with the wallet to which the card is attached displayed.
  • Details – Switches to the detailed fields of the card, providing additional fields and renewal information if relevant.
card preview and fields
card preview and fields

The card display is different depending on its status:

StatusDescriptionCard display
ActiveCards that have been card
InactiveCards that have not been activated yet, or which have been locked or blocked (i.e., exceeded the number of PIN attempts). inactive card
BlockedCards that are either declared as lost or stolen.blocked card
ExpiredCards that are either past their expiration date or destroyed.expired card
FrozenCards that have been blocked by Treezor.blocked card

Transactions section

Once a card is selected, the corresponding transactions (if any) are displayed in the right-hand side of the view.

transactions section

The list of transactions can be sorted, filtered and customized as you see fit.

calandar iconDate rangeAllows you to define after (From) and/or before (To) which dates the transactions are considered. Any transaction whose authorization date is not in the defined time frame is filtered out.
euro iconAmount rangeAllows you to define the minimum and maximum amounts for the transactions to be considered. Any transaction outside the frame is filtered out.
point of sale iconMerchant IdAllows you to enter a Merchant Id. Only transactions with this MID are then displayed.
filter iconPayment TypeAllows you to select whether to display only withdrawals or payments (i.e., online, in-person and NFC).
list priority iconPayment StatusAllows you to select the transactions to be displayed based on their Status (e.g., Accepted, Declined, etc.)
ClearResets all the sorting and filtering options.
gear iconOrganize columnsOpens a panel that allows you to select which columns to display and in which order (drag & drop). You may save your changes or reset to the initial display by using the corresponding buttons.

Managing Cards

You have the ability to manage existing cards from the Profile Boards view, Cards tab for any selected user. Most options are available in the Card Settings popup, available upon clicking on the "More" button and selecting the "Card settings" option.

card settings popup

You'll have the ability to:

Activate a Card

As a security measure, all Cards are issued in an inactive state to ensure that a Physical Card is not usable before the cardholder receives it. Inactive cards can’t be used to make any type of payment or withdrawal.

Cards must therefore be activated once before they can be used, this can be done using the "Activate" button available in the right-hand side of the user Profile, Cards tab. The following confirmation popup will be displayed for you to activate the card.

activate confirmation popup
Thumbs icon

Best practice – Enhance the customer experience by having cardholders activating their cards

Cardholders are usually able to activate their Card by themselves using a code (publicToken) printed on their Card and entering it in your App.

Enroll Card for 3DS

3D Secure is a protocol designed to add an additional security layer to online card payments.

Cards must be registered with the following methods to accept secure online payments.

SMS methodThe cardholder receives a code on their mobile phone when an authentication is required for the online payment. This code is unique for each payment and needs to be entered on the merchant's website or mobile application when prompted.
Out of Band (OOB)The cardholder must go through a strong customer authentication through their payment application.
Bulb icon

Tip – Cards can be enrolled with both methods at the same time

This allows you to request a fallback to the SMS method if the Out of Band authentication is not possible during a card transaction.

To enable 3DS, go to the Card Settings popup, click on the "Enroll 3DS" button available in the Card section and select the enrollment options that suit your need.

enroll 3DS button
orange warning icon

Caution – Users must have a mobile phone number

If they don't, update the User with a mobile phone number.

Update Card options

The card options allow you to define the conditions in which a card can be used.

In the Card Settings popup, Settings tab, Options section, the following settings are available for you to update:

  • Online – Enables e-commerce payments
  • NFC – Enables contactless payments
  • ATM – Enables ATM withdrawals
  • International – Enables usage outside of the cardholder's country
card options toggles

Update Card limits

You can modify both the Payment limits and Withdrawal limits (ATM limits) of a Card in the Card settings popup, Limits tab.

cards limits
Bulb icon

Tip – Rules about limit setting

  • Setting a limit value to 0 deactivates the limit.
  • At least one of Daily, Weekly or Monthly must be greater than 0 (applies both to Payment and Withdrawal limits).
  • If two limits conflict with each other, the lowest will always be authoritative.

Configurable limits

Below is the list of configurable limits.

Limit typeLimitDescription
WithdrawalLimit ATM by dayDefines the maximum amount the user can withdraw on a sliding day.
WithdrawalLimit ATM by weekDefines the maximum amount the user can withdraw on a sliding week.
WithdrawalLimit ATM by monthDefines the maximum amount the user can withdraw on a sliding month.
WithdrawalLimit ATM by yearDefines the maximum amount the user can withdraw on a sliding year.
WithdrawalGlobal ATM limitDefines the overall amount the user can withdraw.
PaymentLimit Payment by dayDefines the maximum amount the user can use on a sliding day.
PaymentLimit Payment by weekDefines the maximum amount the user can use on a sliding week.
PaymentLimit Payment by monthDefines the maximum amount the user can use on a sliding month.
PaymentLimit Payment by yearDefines the maximum amount the user can use on a sliding year.
PaymentGlobal Limit PaymentDefines the overall amount the user can pay.

Manage Card restrictions

Card restrictions allow you to define in which countries and for which merchants a card may be used.

In the Card Settings popup, Restrictions tab, you can enable or prevent the use of the card for an individual or a set of:

cards virtual mcc
Bulb icon

Tip – Restriction groups can be predefined

If you have the relevant Role, you can predefine a series of restriction groups in the Administration Predef Restriction Groups view. Otherwise, you may ask your administrator.

Select the type of restriction to add or update

In order to update the card restriction, select a restriction category on the left-hand side of the view. The display is different depending on whether a restriction group already applies or if there are no restrictions for the category.

Define the restrictions

Once a restriction category selected, you need to choose between the following options:

  • Use a predefined list – Update an existing predefined list by adding new elements
  • Create a list manually – Create a new list manually
  • Upload a CSV – Upload a CSV file to update your restrictions.

Remove restrictions

You may use the "Delete" option available upon clicking on the "More" button of a selected restriction in order to remove it. You're then free to replace it.

Block a Card

The Dashboard lets you block a card in case of a security issue.

In the Card settings popup, Block Card tab, you can select one of the following reasons to block the card:

  • Secure the card – Temporarily block the card, you may unblock it afterward.
  • Card Opposition – Declare the card as stolen or lost. This action is irreversible.
  • Close Card – Block the card so it can no longer be used, in case of the end of the relationship with the end user for instance. This action is irreversible.
cards block options

Once the relevant option selected, click on the "Save Changes" button to confirm the blocking of the card.

save changes button

Unblock PIN code

The card can be blocked when the end user enters 3 erroneous PIN codes in a row.

You can unblock a card CVC in the Card settings popup, Unblock PIN/CVC tab, Unblock PIN section. The button is only displayed when relevant.

card unblock pin

Unblock CVC

The card verification code (CVC) can get locked if the cardholder enters an erroneous CVC multiple times in a row while attempting an online payment.

You can unblock a card CVC in the Card settings popup, Unblock PIN/CVC tab, Unblock CVC section.

card unblock cvc
No entry icon

You must ensure the cardholder's identity

The card verification code is a security measure, you must make sure the request for unblocking the card comes from the legitimate cardholder.

Convert a Virtual Card to Physical

A Virtual Card can be converted to a Physical one, which will be sent to the cardholder.

To convert a card, go to the Card Settings popup and click on the "Convert to Physical Card" button available in the Card section on the left-hand side.

convert button

A success message is displayed in the top of the screen if the operation succeeds.

Manage Digitized Cards

Treezor offers your Dashboard Users the ability to suspend and delete digitized cards (i.e., cards that are tokenized in a Google Pay, Apple Pay, or Samsung Pay wallet). This way, they can swiftly handle customer requests when it comes to dealing with fraud and lost cards for instance.

To manage digitized cards, go to the Card Settings popup, Digitized Cards tab.

digitized tab

It displays the list of digitized cards for the currently selected card.

Digitized cards may have one of the following statuses:

  • Active – The digitized card is active and can be used as a means of payment.
  • Suspensed – The digitized card is suspended, it can't be used, but could be reactivated if need be.
  • Deactivated – The digitized card is deleted, it can't be used and this status if final.

The following commands are available depending on the digitized card status.

pause iconSuspendPrompts a dialog to suspend the digitized card, with a picklist to select the reason (e.g., device is lost or stolen).
play iconUnsuspendPrompts a dialog to unsuspend the digitized card, with a picklist to select the reason.
delete iconDeletePrompts a dialog to deactivate the digitized card, with a picklist to select the reason (e.g., device is lost or stolen). This action is irreversible.

Creating Cards in bulk

You can order Cards in bulk using the Bulk Cards view. At the end of the process, the Cards will be sent to a unique address.

Click on the "Create bulk cards" button in the upper right corner of the view to start the process and follow the steps.

Create bulk cards button
Cards quantityIndicate the number of cards you wish to create.
Cards typeSelect whether you wish to create physical or virtual cards.
Perms groupDefine your card options by activating the toggles:
  • Online – Enables e-commerce payments
  • NFC – Enables contactless payments
  • ATM – Enables ATM withdrawals
  • International – Enables usage outside of the cardholder's country
Wallet & User IdCards are always attached to a user and a wallet. Define:
  • The Wallet – Either a new wallet that will be created at the same time as the card (select the type) or an existing one (enter the Id)
  • The User(s) – A unique user Id (e.g., all your cards are attached to a Master Wallet) or multiple users (users will be automatically generated when the cards are created).
NameDefine whether the user name is displayed on the card. This is only possible if you have a unique user Id in the previous step.
Card printSelect the reference of your Card Program (cardPrint).
OptionsDefine additional options for your card:
  • Logo Id – If provided with your Card Program
  • Package reference – If provided with your Card Program
  • Restriction groups – If some predefined restriction groups have been created, you can already define MCC, MID and Country restrictions for your cards.
  • Limits – Define limits to apply to your set of cards.
CreateReview the bulk card creation to make sure everything is in order before validating the order.

Once your order complete, you are redirected to the Bulk orders list, in which you can follow the status of the order.

Bulk orders list

The main display of the Bulk Cards view lists all your previous orders, whether they have succeeded or not.

You can track the progress of a Bulk Card creation using the dedicated interface below.

cards bulk

For each bulk creation, key information such as the Order Id and Creation Date are available. Please note that the GPS Id stands for your Card Program card print.

The following commands are available.

error iconView error reportDownloads the error report in the CSV format.
info iconView creation detailsOpens the Bulk Card creation details popup.
download iconDownload creation detailsDownloads the creation details in the CSV format.