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Caution – Only the legacy API sends the error code in HTTP errors

When handling errors with connect, only the message attribute is returned for now.


The following API errors can be encountered when dealing with wallets.

CodeMessageAdditional information
12001Impossible to read Wallet
12002Impossible to create Wallet
12010Impossible to update Wallet
12011Impossible to update Wallet, the wallet is already canceled
12012eventPayinStartDate format is not valid
12013eventPayinEndDate format is not valid
12014eventPayinStartDate cannot be earlier than the creation date of the wallet
12015eventPayinStartDate can't succeed eventPayinEndDate
12016eventPayinEndDate cannot be earlier than eventPayinStartDate
12018Impossible to change eventPayinStartDate when a gift is already offered
12020Impossible to Cancel Wallet. The wallet does not exist
12021Impossible to create Wallet image repository
12022Impossible to create Wallet image file
12023Impossible to create Wallet, Tarif is not comform
12024Impossible to create Wallet, Tarif does not exist
12025Impossible to create Wallet, Alias is not unique
12026Unable to create Wallet. The unicity of the alias can't be checked.
12027Impossible to update Wallet, eventPayinEndDate can't be lower than today
12028Impossible to update Wallet, WalletId is not valid
12029Impossible to Cancel Wallet, WalletId is not valid
12030Impossible to Cancel Wallet, The wallet is already in status CANCELLED
12031Impossible to create Wallet, User Id required
12032Impossible to create Wallet, User Id not permitted
12033Impossible to create Wallet, Joint User Id not valid
12034Impossible to create Wallet, Currency must be EUR
12035Unable to create the wallet. eventPayinEndDate cannot be earlier than eventPayinStartDate
12036Impossible to create Wallet, Name is required
12037Unable to create wallet. The event Payin Start Date is mandatory.
12038Unable to create wallet. The event Payin End Date is mandatory.
12039Unable to create wallet. The origin is not correct
12040Unable to Cancel wallet. The origin is not correct
12041Unable to Cancel wallet. Balance is not null.
12042Unable to retrieve a wallet in the Database
12043No status retrieved for wallet in Database
12044The status linked to the wallet has no name
12045The wallet has no user linked impossible to continue
12046The wallet has no Tariff
12047The wallet has no Tariff specified for an incoming SCTR
12048The wallet has no Tariff specified for an incoming SDDR
12049The walletTypeId is missing
12050The walletTypeId must be 9 (Electronic Money Wallet), or 10 (Payment Account Wallet), or 13 (Mirror Account)
12051Impossible to change the type of the wallet due to presence of transactions for this wallet
12052The walletId is missing
12053The beneficiaryName is missing
12054The beneficiaryAddress is missing
12055The beneficiaryIban is missing
12056The beneficiaryBic is missing
12057No status retrieved for wallet in Database
12058The beneficiaryName is not valid
12059The beneficiaryAddress is not valid
12060The beneficiaryIban is not valid
12061The wallet cannot be closed yet
12062The wallet is already closed
12063The wallet have not cards which linked to
12064Error during block card linked to the wallet
12065The request must contains at least one of those inputs : walletId, eventAlias, userId, walletTypeId
12066Impossible to Cancel Wallet, The wallet has pending payin refunds
12067No wallet retrieved
12068Impossible to create Wallet, the user is freezedBlocked users can't have new wallets.
12069Impossible to create Wallet, the user is legal frozenUsers whose assets are frozen can't have new wallets.
12070Impossible to cancel the wallet, technical card wallets cannot be canceled
12071Impossible to create the wallet, field bic should not be empty when provided
12072Impossible to create the wallet, the provided bic is not correct
12073Impossible to create the wallet, the provided bic met too much possible candidate
12074Impossible to create the wallet, please provide a valid bic
12075Impossible to create the wallet, invalid payment institution bic
12076Impossible to create the wallet, the bic provided is not authorized

Anonymous Electronic Money Wallets

Exceeding Electronic Money Wallets limitations or restrictions will produce the following errors.

In Requests

SDDE/payins14058You attempt to create a payin of type SDD Core, The wallet is not of type compte de paiement, impossible to continue
Payouts/payouts16027Impossible to create Payout due to incoherent KYC level
Transfers/transfers120019Impossible to create the operation, the total debit exceed the max total debit limit on sliding period
Transfers, Payins/transfers, /payins120020Impossible to create the operation, the authorization amount exceed the max amount limit
Transfers, Payins/transfers, /payins120021Impossible to create the operation, the authorization amount added to the account limit exceed the max account amount limit
Transfers/transfers120022Impossible to create the operation, the transfer creditor user is invalid
Transfers/transfers120023Impossible to create the operation, the transfer debitor user is invalid
Transfers, Payins/transfers, /payins120026Impossible to create the operation, the total credit exceed the max total credit limit on sliding period

In Webhooks

ContextWebhookErrorMessage (if any)
SCTR InstsepaSctrInst.reject_sctr_instreturn_reason_code=RR04
Card Paymentcardtransaction.createauthorizationResponseCode=57Electronic Money : transaction not permitted to cardholder
Card Paymentcardtransaction.createauthorizationResponseCode=57Electronic Money : cumulative amount authorized exceeded
Card Paymentcardtransaction.createauthorizationResponseCode=57Electronic Money : amount exceeds the authorized amount
Card Paymentcardtransaction.createauthorizationResponseCode=57Electronic Money : payment is not permitted in this country
Card Paymentcardtransaction.createauthorizationResponseCode=57Electronic Money : refused due to error


24000No balance corresponds to your search.
24001Exception while attempting to update authorizations
24002Impossible to continue operation. Balance data on wallet were not retrieved
24003walletId is mandatory
24004You must provide at least one argument: walletId or userId

Virtual IBANs

71001No Wallet Linked to the Virtual IBAN
71002The wallet linked to the IBAN has no status
71003Wallet linked to the Virtual Iban has a not permitted Status
71004Currency of operation does not match the currency of wallet linked to the virtualIban
71005This transaction type is not supported by the virtual IBAN System
71006Transaction type not specified in virtual Iban Object impossible to check validity of virtual Iban regarding operation
71007Transaction type of operation is not supported by the virtual Iban
71008Impossible to add a new transaction for this virtualIban, number of transactions will be exceeded
71009Impossible to add a new transaction for this virtualIban, max amount will be exceeded
71010Validity date of this virtual Iban is KO
71011The virtual iban with the id provided does not exist
71012Impossible to create an iban
71013The field walletId must be provided
71014The field validFrom is lower than current date
71015The field validTo is lower than date validFrom
71016The field reference has a limit of 255 characters
71017The field tag has a limit of 255 characters
71018The field maxUsage must be higher than 1
71019The field maxUsage must be higher than the number of transactions made by the virtualIban
71020The field maxAmount must be higher than 1
71021The field maxAmount must be higher than the cumulated amount
71022The field maxAmount must follow this format: '2.15'
71023The field virtualibanId must be provided
71024The typeId is required
71025The typeId is invalid
71026Unable to create virtual IBAN. Database Error.
71027Wallet linked to the Virtual Iban has a not permitted type