The following API errors can be encountered when issuing cards.
Caution – Only the legacy API sends the error code in HTTP errors
When handling errors with connect, only the message
attribute is returned for now.
Card errors
Code | Message |
32000 | Impossible to create card. SQL error |
32001 | WSDI required |
32002 | ItemSrc required |
32003 | SecId required |
32004 | SecValPos required |
32005 | Apply_Fee required |
32006 | PublicToken required |
32007 | IsLive required |
32008 | IssCode required |
32009 | Tile, LastName, FirstName, Addrl1, City, Postcode, Country are required |
32010 | LocDate(YYYY-MM-JJ) and LocTime(HHMMSS) are required |
32011 | CreateImage is required (0 OR 1) |
32012 | CreateType is required (0 OR 1) |
32013 | ActivateNow is required (0 OR 1) |
32014 | The StartDate format is MM/YY |
32015 | The CardDesign is mandatory |
32016 | PERMSGroup is mandatory |
32017 | Replacement must have only 0 or 1 values |
32018 | Delv_AddrL1, Delv_City, Delv_PostCode, Delv_County and Delv_Country are mandatory |
32019 | IsLive must have only 0 or 1 values |
32020 | CardManufacturer must have only TCT, AllPay, GNC, Gemalto, Nitecrest, Exceet, Thames values |
32021 | ExternalAuth must have only 0 OR 1 values |
32022 | Email is mandatory |
32023 | Email is not valid |
32024 | MailOrSMS must have only 0, 1 or 2 values |
32025 | TxnCode required |
32026 | ActMethod required |
32027 | PAN required if Track2 and PublicToken are not present |
32028 | Track2 required if ActivMethod is '4' |
32029 | Track2 required if PAN and PublicToken are not present |
32030 | PublicToken required if PAN and Track2 are not present |
32031 | LocDate is mandatory |
32032 | LocTime is mandatory |
32033 | SmsBalance is mandatory: Possible Values: 0 OR False - Desactivate, 1 OR True - Activate, 2 OR No - Do not change current value |
32034 | DOB is mandatory |
32035 | ItemSrc is mandatory |
32036 | AuthType required |
32037 | CVV required |
32038 | AccCode required |
32039 | PAN required if AuthType == '1', '2', '3', '4' or '6' and PublicToken not present |
32040 | PublicToken is null or not present. Impossible to convert the card |
32041 | userId is mandatory |
32042 | CardDesign is mandatory |
32044 | expiryDate is mandatory |
32045 | expiryDate is not a valid date |
32046 | expiryDate must have this form YYYY-MM-DD |
32047 | cardId is required |
32048 | Error impossible to convert card |
32049 | Error impossible to change PIN |
32050 | newPin is mandatory |
32051 | Impossible to activate card |
32052 | Impossible to read the card |
32053 | Impossible to create the card |
32054 | Impossible to modify the card |
32055 | Impossible to convert the card |
32056 | Impossible to change the card's PIN |
32057 | confirmPin is mandatory |
32058 | Impossible to renew the card |
32059 | Impossible to lock/unlock the card |
32060 | lockStatus is required |
32061 | permsGroup is required |
32062 | cardDesign is required |
32064 | User informations are incomplete: lastname, firstname, address1 and phone (or mobile) is required |
32065 | Country code is invalid |
32066 | Internal error. Impossible to create physical card |
32067 | Impossible to create physical card: insertion impossible in database |
32068 | User's phone or user's mobile required |
32070 | Internal error. Impossible to create virtual card |
32071 | limitPeriod is mandatory |
32072 | limitType is mandatory |
32073 | The cardId provided does not exist |
32074 | The foreign option is mandatory. 0 or 1 |
32075 | The online option is mandatory. 0 or 1 |
32076 | The atm option is mandatory. 0 or 1 |
32077 | The nfc option is mandatory. 0 or 1 |
32078 | No perms group corresponds to the options provided |
32079 | walletId is mandatory |
32080 | The wallet does not exist |
32081 | There is no product in the database. Impossible to create the card |
32082 | The currency of the wallet must be the same as the product |
32083 | The permsGroup does not exist |
32084 | The card is already physical. |
32085 | The card has been already converted. |
32086 | Impossible to insert Card image. |
32087 | Impossible to create card. The PIN is invalid |
32088 | Impossible to change PIN. The current PIN is mandatory |
32089 | Impossible to change PIN. The newPIN must be the same as the confirmPin |
32090 | Impossible to create card. The cardPrint is mandatory |
32091 | Impossible to create card. The cardPrint is invalid |
32092 | Impossible to update card options (GPS) |
32093 | Impossible to regenerate card (GPS) |
32094 | Impossible to update card image |
32095 | Card status can not be changed, current status of the card is not reversible Code. Card lost. |
32096 | Card status can not be changed, current status of the card is not reversible Code. Card stolen. |
32097 | Impossible to create card. sendToParent value 1, but there is no parent user id for the main user |
32098 | Impossible to create card. Delivery address not complete. The parent user must have delivery address informations provided. (legalName, address1, address2, postcode, city and country) |
32099 | Impossible to create card. Delivery address not complete. The user must have delivery address informations provided. (address1, address2, postcode, city and country) |
32100 | Impossible to create card. Delivery address not complete in user's informations. The user must have full address informations provided. (address1, postcode, city and country) |
32101 | Card limit exceeded |
32102 | Erreur lors du cardUpdateDeliveryInfo (GPS) |
32103 | Erreur lors du cardUpdateDeliveryInfo (GPS) |
32104 | GPS Error happened when attempting to get all DPAN |
32105 | GPS Error happened when attempting to get all DPAN WRONG Status code in Return |
32106 | GPS Error happened when attempting to change status of Payment token |
32107 | GPS Error happened when attempting to change status of Payment token - empty response |
32108 | GPS Error happened when attempting to change status of Payment token - wrong action code returned |
32109 | Exception raised while attempting to reactivate all DPAN linked to card |
32111 | Card blocked. |
32112 | mccRestrictionGroupId provided does not exist. |
32113 | merchantRestrictionGroupId provided does not exist. |
32114 | EmbossedName value is empty after sanitized, the characters accepted are : a-z, A-Z, 0-9, '-' and 'espace' |
32113 | countryRestrictionGroupId provided does not exist. |
32115 | batchDeliveryId must be an integer between 1 and 238323 |
32116 | batchDeliveryId can not be used. Not operational yet. |
32117 | Delivery address is missing or incomplete. Impossible to convert the card. address1, city, postcode and country are mandatory |
32118 | Wallet has a CANCELED status. |
32119 | User has a CANCELED status. |
32120 | User does not exist |
32121 | Exception raised when a language is not in the Languages list |
32122 | Missing program id in database |
32123 | Invalid program id in database |
32124 | The parentUserId does not exist |
32125 | Missing Public Token |
32126 | Missing clientId |
32228 | Missing Public phone |
32229 | Card status can not be changed, current status of the card is not reversible Code. Card locked internally. |
32230 | Card status can not be changed, current status of the card is not reversible Code. Card is expired. |
32231 | Card status is invalid |
32232 | Invalid payment timeframe |
34000 | The card must be already activated |
34001 | The request is refused because the card has expired |
34002 | Fail to renew card |
34003 | The card must not be stolen or lost or destroyed |
34004 | The card must be physical |
34005 | Fail to replace card |
34006 | The request is refused because it cannot be made during the month the card expires |
32127 | Card is already activated |
32128 | Please set card information in object |
32129 | Impossible de renew_cards chez GPS |
32130 | Please set card information in object |
32131 | Impossible to create the card, the length of an address line must be less than 38 characters |
32131 | Parent user not found, impossible to update card information |
32132 | Impossible to create the card, user's assets are frozen |
32133 | Impossible to create the card, parent user's assets are frozen |
32134 | RestrictionGroupLimits value is invalid |
32135 | Please fill in at least one limit among these: limitPaymentDay / paymentDailyLimit / limitPaymentWeek / limitPaymentMonth for this card. |
32136 | Please fill in at least one limit among these: limitAtmDay / limitAtmWeek / limitAtmMonth for this card. |
32137 | Please fill in at least one limit among these: limitPaymentDay / paymentDailyLimit / limitPaymentWeek / limitPaymentMonth for this card. |
32138 | Please fill in at least one limit among these: limitAtmDay / limitAtmWeek / limitAtmMonth for this card. |
32139 | Impossible to create card, the product is not activated. |
32140 | Please provide at least one argument among these: userId / walletId to reassign this card. |
32141 | The provided card is already activated and cannot be reassigned. |
32142 | The provided card is lost or stolen and cannot be reassigned. |
32143 | The provided card is not anonymous and cannot be reassigned. |
32144 | Wallet does not exist. |
32145 | The provided user's assets are frozen, the card cannot be reassigned. |
32146 | The provided wallet has a user with frozen assets and cannot be reassigned. |
32147 | This wallet type cannot be assigned. |
32148 | Impossible to create card. The customizedInfo is invalid |
32149 | Impossible to create card. The embossLegalName and the customizedInfo cannot both be specified |
32150 | Impossible to create card, cardLanguages has a wrong format (alphabetic, 8 char. max, format ISO 639-1) |
32151 | Unrecognized card renewOption |
32152 | Invalid card renewOption given the card status |
32153 | Card status cannot be changed, current status of the card is not reversible Code. Card destroyed |
32154 | Card expiry date failed to update |
32155 | Card not found |
32156 | Unable to create card. The letterCustomizedInfo is invalid |
32157 | Unable to create card. The card type is missing |
32158 | Unable to create card. The freeCustomizedInfo is invalid |
32159 | Unable to create card. DeliveryMethod value must be 0, 1 or 2 |
32160 | Unable to create card. The pinMailer is invalid |
32161 | Unable to create card. The pinMailer is not supported by this product |
32162 | Unable to create card. The logoBackId is invalid |
32163 | Unable to create card. The logoId is invalid |
32164 | Unable to save card. The maskedPan is mandatory |
32165 | Unable to save card. The startDate is mandatory |
32166 | Unable to save card. The expiryDate is mandatory |
32167 | The request is refused because the value of the renewalType field must be A or N |
32168 | CardTag exceeds 50 characters |
32169 | The provided card is lost and cannot be reassigned. |
32170 | The provided card is stolen and cannot be reassigned. |
32171 | The provided card is expired and cannot be reassigned. |
32172 | The provided card is destroyed and cannot be reassigned. |
32173 | The provided card is locked by Treezor and cannot be reassigned. |
32174 | Wallet assignment is not allowed on this card |
107000 | Impossible to reach server, please try again later |
107001 | An error occurred, please try again later |
107002 | Missing argument. You should provide cardId or publicToken |
107003 | Invalid argument |
107004 | No card found |
107005 | Duplicated record |
107006 | Invalid argument lockStatus |
107007 | Impossible to change the card status |
107008 | Impossible to read the card |
107009 | Impossible to activate card |
107010 | Impossible to convert virtual card |
107011 | Impossible to update card's options |
107012 | Impossible to get cardImage |
107013 | Impossible to unblock card's PIN code |
109001 | cardProduct Id does not exist |
109002 | The currencyCode format must follow the norm : Code ISO 4217 |
109003 | The countryCode format must follow the norm : ISO-3166-1 alpha-2 |
109004 | cardPrint print_reference does not exist |
109005 | cardProduct Id already used |
109006 | clientId does not exist |
109007 | The network can only be mastercard or visa |
109008 | The status should be active, blocked and canceled |
120100 | Impossible to modify limits |
Card image errors
Code | Message |
62000 | The cardId does not exist. |
62001 | No card image found |
62002 | cardId mandatory |
62003 | cardimage mandatory (not empty) |
62004 | Connection socket error |
62005 | Writing in socket error |
62006 | The response image is empty |
62007 | Internal error socket |
62008 | The card has a LOST or STOLEN status |
62009 | Missing argument encryptionMethod (encryptionPublicKey provided) |
62010 | Missing argument encryptionPublicKey (encryptionMethod provided) |
62011 | Invalid encryption method |
Card digitalization errors
Code | Message |
77000 | cardDigitalization Id does not exist |
77001 | No linked card retrieved |
77002 | The new status that you want to apply to this card is not authorized |
77003 | The status change has failed due to a technical error. |
77004 | This service is not available; only GET and PUT are implemented. |
77005 | Card_id is mandatory to perform the Update of the Status |
77006 | Get the Payment Token Information at provider failed - Status Code is not valid |
77007 | The Get Payment Token Failed due to the presence of two objects instead of one |
77008 | The Get Payment Token Failed due to the fact that the first object retrieved is empty |
77009 | PaymentToken_id is missing. |
77010 | Proc_Code is missing. |
77011 | Unknown proc code. |
77012 | The provided status is invalid |
77013 | The provided reason code is invalid |
77014 | The DPAN is deactivated, unable to update |
77015 | Error, The SMS has not been sent |
77016 | The Provided Card is already suspended. |
77017 | The provided card is already deactivated. |
77018 | The provided card is already activated. |
99001 | Impossible to reach server, please try again later |
99002 | Service response is KO, please try again later |
Restriction group errors
Code | Message |
82000 | MCC restriction group Id does not exist |
82001 | MCC restriction group array validation failed |
82002 | Status provided is not correct |
82003 | MCC restriction group Id does not exist |
81004 | Error appending MCC restriction group |
83000 | Merchant restriction group Id does not exist |
83001 | Merchant restriction group array validation failed |
83002 | Status provided is not correct |
83003 | Merchant restriction group Id does not exist |
82004 | Error appending Merchant Id restriction group |
82005 | Start date provided is incorrect |
82006 | MerchantsOperation can be only add or remove |
82007 | You have no merchants deleted |
82008 | The number of merchants exceeded the max authorized, please try again with a smaller number |
84000 | Country restriction group Id does not exist |
84001 | Country restriction group array validation failed |
84002 | Status provided is not correct |
84003 | Country restriction group Id does not exist |
84004 | Error appending Country restriction group |
94000 | The type does not exist |
94001 | The ID does not exist |
94002 | Impossible to reach server, please try again later |
94003 | Service response is KO, please try again later |
94004 | Error using restriction groups |
94005 | Service response is empty, please try again later |
94006 | Impossible to format response, please try again later |
94007 | Duplicated Record |
94008 | More than 100,000 records have been found, please refine your request |
94009 | Invalid Data |
94010 | Missing Data |
94011 | No Record Found |
94012 | An error occurred, please try again later |