# Introduction

A bank transfer is the movement of funds from one account to another. At Treezor, we refer to Transfers as movements between Wallets and external accounts.

Depending on the funds source and destination and depending on who initiates the funds movement, different solutions and endpoints will be used for transfers. All these movements send webhooks.

# Types of transfers

SEPA Transfers Relations

# From wallet to external account

Funds movements from wallets to external accounts use the SEPA network and are mapped as Payout objects. They are classified as follows:

  • SCTE when initiated by the sender
  • SDDR when initiated by recipient

# From external account to wallet

Funds movement from external accounts to wallets use the SEPA network and are mapped as Payin objects. They are classified as follows:

  • SCTR when initiated by the sender
  • SDDE when initiated the recipitent
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Tip – Wallet-to-Wallet Transfers are also available

These transfers do not use the SEPA network, are almost instantaneous and can take place 24/7/365. Learn more in the Wallet-to-Wallet Transfers article.

# Endpoints

Endpoint Description
/v1/payins Receive funds using the SEPA network (SDDE and SCTR)
/v1/payouts Send funds using the SEPA network (SDDR and SCTE)
/v1/beneficiaries Manage Beneficiaries
/v1/mandates Manage Mandates
/v1/recallRs Handle SEPA Recall requests
/core-connect/payouts/{payoutId}/proof Generate a proof of payout
Updated on: 5/2/2024, 1:13:13 PM