# Templates

Templates allow you to customize some of the API outputs:

  • Emails sent to your end users when performing a specific action.
  • Documents to provide to your end users on request
books icon

Reading – Templates are powered by Twig 3.x templating engine

Learn more in the Templates article.

# Accessing templates

In the Administration section, select the Templating management section to view the templates.

Template view with Account details

In the drop-down list, the following templates are available:

Template Type Description
Onboarding confirmation (html) Email Customizes the email sent to users to confirm their onboarding. Linked to Delegated authentication.
Onboarding confirmation (text) Email Customizes the message sent to confirm their onboarding (preferred format if a mobile phone number is provided). Linked to Delegated authentication.
Forgot password (html) Email Customizes the email sent to reset their password. Linked to Delegated authentication.
Forgot password (text) Email Customizes the message sent to users to reset their password (preferred format if a mobile phone number is provided). Linked to Delegated authentication.
Wallet details (pdf) Document Customizes the Account details. This document can be download from the Wallets tab, Wallets list section, when clicking on the "More" button and selecting the "Account details" option.
Wallet statement (pdf) Document Customizes the Account statement document. This document can be download from the Wallets tab, Wallets list section, when clicking on the "More" button and selecting the "Statement" option.
Proof of payout (pdf) Document Customizes the Proof of payout document.

# Managing templates

The Dashboard allows you to:

# Rendering templates in real-time

Templates are rendered in real time in the Dashboard while you edit them.

You can use the left-hand side of the view to edit, and see the results directly in the right-hand side.

Once all your modifications are done, you can click on the "Save Changes" button in the upper right corner of the view.

# Making the most out of template variables

A list of available variables is provided for each template. These variables can be used in compliance with the Twig templating language.

To access the variables, click on the "Variables" button located next to the picklist. As a result, a dialog box is prompted, providing information about the variables you can use.

Template variables popup example
Updated on: 5/2/2024, 1:13:13 PM