# Templates

Treezor uses the Twig 3.x templating engine (opens new window).

Like other files, templates should be base64 encoded.

# Twig Basics

A template is a file that contains both structure (sometime also styling) and instructions to inject content within. Such as: "display this variable or something else if the variable is unavailable", "iterate on this array", etc.

Info icon

Information – Treezor implementation of Twig has the following limitations

  • Layouts and Blocks are unavailable
  • Variables are limited to those Treezor provide
  • CSS styling must be inlined (<a style="color:orange;">my link</a> or within a <style type="text/css"></style> in the page's <head>)

# Emails templates

Your Email templates must produce HTML, an additionnal template producing TXT is also required. This TXT atlternative is dedicated to clients that don't support HTML such as screen readers for the visually impaired.

# Example

books icon

Reading – More information on how to format templates

# Checking supported endpoints

Not all Treezor endpoints support templates. To check out which endpoints can be templated, you can use the following request.

Returns the complete list of customizable templates.

# Listing available variables

To retrieve the list of variables available within a template, you can use the following request.

Returns the details about the template, including a list of accessible variables (variables).

If you attempt to use an non-existent variable, an error is returned.

# Uploading a template

All templates must be uploaded to the following endpoint PUT {baseUrl}/customization/templates/{templateName}/template, where the endpointName URL parameter corresponds to the endpoint to which you want to apply this template.

Your base64 encoded template should not contain line break (\n)

# Example

Warning icon

Caution – Replacing a Template

  • Takes effect immediately.
  • Cannot be undone.

# Testing a template

To test a template with dummy values, you can use the following request.

Returns an object containing a populated version of your template in the template attribute.

# Accessing a template

To retrieve a template that you have already uploaded, you can use the following request

Returns an object containing your template in the template attribute.

# Deleting a template

If you want to remove a template altogether, you can use the following request. The endpoint will immediately revert the indicated template to Treezor's default template.

# Using a template

To enable your template in a response, add the following header X-TrzConnect-Custom-Template with a value of 1.

# Errors

If something goes wrong while uploading a template, you can expect an Error object. Its message attribute will contain useful debugging details.

# Examples of errors

# The twig template cannot be compiled

# A variable used is not available

Updated on: 5/2/2024, 1:13:13 PM