# Mandates

Mandates allow Legal Entities to initiate a transfer of funds from somebody else's account, to theirs.

The transfer is made using SEPA Direct Debit (SDDE) and can be used to receive one-time or recurring payments.

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Information – SEPA Creditor Identifier mandatory in France

In France, only companies holding a SEPA creditor identifier (SCI) are allowed to use Mandates and SDDE. A physical person cannot be allowed to actively retrieve funds from somebody else's account.

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Important – Mandates should be kept as proofs in case of litigations

As litigations rules of the SEPA Network are generaly in favor of the debtor, it is strongly recommended that Mandates be kept indefinitely to be used as proof if needs be.

# Structure

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API – Swagger documentation available

For a complete list of Mandate attributes, check the Mandates section of the Swagger.

# Creation

As of today, Treezor doesn't offer electronic signature services. Therefore isPaper should always be true and you should assume the physical mandates signature. This paper Mandate must include the UMR (uniqueMandateReference attribute of the Mandate object).

# Mandatory parameters

Attribute Type Description
sddType string Defines the type of SDD. May be:
  • core – To debit individuals (physical persons).
  • b2b – To debit legal entities.
sequenceType string Defines whether or not the debtor will be debited multiple times:
  • one-off – For a one-time payment.
  • recurrent – For recurring payments.
isPaper boolean Indicates whether the mandate is a paper-based document or electronically signed. Always set to true.
userId integer The unique identifier of the end user requesting the SDD.
debtorName string Full name of the debited end user (person or entity). Format: alphanumeric with at least 3 alphabetic characters.
debtorAddress string The address of the debited end user.
debtorCity string City in which the debited end user is domiciled.
debtorZipCode string Postcode of the city in which the debited end user is domiciled.
debtorCountry string Country in which the debited end user is domiciled. Format: ISO 3166-1 alpha-2.
debtorIban string IBAN of the debited end user.
signatureDate string Date on which the Mandate has been signed by the end user.
Format: YYYY-MM-DD

To create a Mandate, use the following request.

Here is an example of {payload}:

Returns the Mandate object, with the corresponding mandateId.

The mandateStatus set to VALIDATED, as Treezor assumes you had it signed by the end user as requested.

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Note – Contact your Treezor Account Manager if you encounter a 22026 error

This error indicates Unable to create the mandate. User does not have sepa creditor identifier. It means you need to contact your Treezor Account Manager to setup a SCI (Sepa Creditor Identifier) for that User.

# Endpoints

Endpoint Description Scope
/v1/mandates Create a mandate read_write
/v1/mandates Search for mandates read_only
/v1/mandates/{mandateId} Retrieve a mandate read_only
/v1/mandates/{mandateId} Revoke a mandate read_write
Updated on: 7/9/2024, 7:48:17 AM