# SEPA Direct Debits (SDD)

SEPA Direct Debit (SDD) allows the recipient of the transfer to collect Euro-denominated payments from SEPA countries accounts. This type of transfer is initiated by the creditor, hence requiring an IBAN and a debtor-approved Mandate.

At Treezor, SDD can be used in two directions:

  • SDDR are Received into a Wallet and mapped to Payout objects
  • SDDE are Emitted from a Wallet and mapped to Payin objects

# Received Direct Debits (SDDR)

Treezor allows for the Wallets to be debited using SEPA Direct Debit (SDDR).

They can be received by Treezor between 24h and 14 days before the desired SDD effective date.

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Tip – Virtual IBAN SDD reception is also supported

You may provide a Virtual IBAN to receive a SEPA Direct Debit into a Wallet. Virtual IBANs have many benefits over your main IBAN (direction and validity period restrictions, easier funds movements categorization, etc.).

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Information – SDDR Policies

  • SDDR Core are accepted by default and can be blocked using a Blacklist of UMR on the Beneficiary.
  • SDDR B2B are denied by default and can be allowed by using a Whitelist of UMR on the Beneficiary.

When an SDD is received, Treezor:

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Best practice – Inform your end users of the SDD reception

They need to provision their Wallet to cover the corresponding amount.

On the effective date of the SDD, Treezor re-runs previous controls and also checks if the Wallet is sufficently provisioned:

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Reading – SDDR Rejection

Learn more about received SEPA Direct Debit rejection in the SDDR Rejection section.

# Structure of an SDDR Payout

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Alert – SEPA Direct Debit limitations

While Treezor can receive SDDR B2B and SDDR Core, Treezor can only emit SDDE Core (no B2B).

You can check the list of SDDR Errors Codes.

# Rejection of an SDDR

# Rejection upon reception by Treezor

If the SDD is not valid, you receive a sepa.reject_sddr_core or a sepa.reject_sddr_b2b webhook. The Wallet Balance is not affected.

# Rejection on the effective date

If the SDD operation can't take place on (or after) the effective date, Treezor sends you:

# Refund management

To oppose an SDDR, the User first contacts you. You then open a ticket (opens new window) with Treezor Support.

Treezor sends you a payoutrefund.create webhook with its status set to PENDING. Then, the refind can be either accepted or declined by the debiting bank:

  • Accepted – You receive a payoutrefund.update webhook (VALIDATED status) which concludes the refund.
  • Declined – You receive a payoutrefund.update webhook (CANCELED status) and the refund doesn't take place.

Declines may occur if the SDDR is more than 8-week old or if the refund reason was improperly set for instance.

# Emitted Direct Debits (SDDE)

Treezor allows Users to debit funds from somebody elses account using SEPA Direct Debit (SDDE).

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Prerequisites – Prior to making an SDDE, you must have

  • A SEPA Creditor Identifier (SCI) – To obtain and enable a SCI, contact your Treezor Account Manager.
  • A Mandate signed by the debtor – With the correct sddType, explicitely allowing you to initiate a transfer.

Also, the debit date (payinDate) must be on a SEPA Open Banking Day.

# Parameters

Below are the main parameters of a SEPA Direct Debit Payin.

Attribute Type Description
paymentMethodId integer Must be 21 for SDDE.
walletId integer The unique identifier of the credited Wallet.
mandateId integer The unique identifier of the the associated Mandate
amount float The amount of the Payin.
currency string The currency of the Payin. Must be EUR.
payinDate string The desired date of the Payin, which must be a SEPA Open Banking Day (set at least 3 days after the creation). Defaults to the third SEPA Open Banking Day following the payin creation if left empty.
Format: YYYY:MM:DD

Here is an example of {payload}:

Returns the Payin object, with its status set to PENDING. You will receive the corresponding webhook on the desired Payin date (payinDate).

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Caution – UserId initial value in Production

In Production environment, all SCTR are initially received with userId attribute valued to 3. It is strictly forbidden to use this value, this is a technical user for Treezor use only.

# Rejection of an SDDE

SDDE can be rejected either before or after the effective date.

Timeline for SDDE rejects
  • Reject – Refusal of the direct debit by the debited PSP before the effective date.
  • Return – Refusal of the direct debit by the debited PSP up to 5 days banking days after the effective date.
  • Refund – Request of reimbursement from the debtor and initiated by their PSP after the effective date. This refund can be sent up to 13 months after the settlement date in case of a claim for unauthorized operation.

# Rejection before effective date

If the debtor bank rejects the SDDE, Treezor sends you a payin.cancel webhook with its status set to CANCELED.

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Information – Rejection reason available soon

Starting end of September 2024, the payin.cancel webhook will also indicate the reason for the SDDE rejection (e.g., closed account). The corresponding SDD error code in the informationStatus field.

# Rejection after effective date

Altough SDDE Returns and Refunds are 2 distinct R-transactions, Treezor handles them the same way. If the funds are not available on the SDDE effective date, Treezor sends a transaction.create webhook with a transactionType valued to "Payin Refund".

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Information – More webhooks sent for SDDE refunds and returns soon

Starting end of September 2024, the following webhooks will also be sent:

  • payinrefund.create (PENDING) – Treezor received an SDDE refund or return request.
  • payinrefund.update (VALIDATED) – The SDDE refund or return is accepted.
  • payinrefund.cancel (CANCELED) – The SDDE refund or return is refused.

Reasons for creation and cancellation are indicated in the informationStatus of their respective webhooks.

Updated on: 7/25/2024, 12:43:57 PM