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The following API errors can be encountered when dealing with user verification.

Warning icon

Caution – Only the legacy API sends the error code in HTTP errors

When handling errors with connect, only the message attribute is returned for now.


60000The user does not exist or he is in canceled status
60001File not uploaded. The file is empty
60002The file type is not permitted
60003This document type is not permitted
60004Impossible to save the document
60005Impossible to connect to the file server
60006Impossible to upload the document into the container
60007Impossible to read the file into the container
60008Impossible to update the document into database
60009Error when reading document
60010Impossible to cancel this Document, already in CANCELED status
60011Impossible to update this Document, not exists
60012statusId incorrect.
60013Impossible to verify canceled status
60014Impossible to update this document
60017Image is empty
60019documentId is mandatory.
60020documentStatusId is mandatory.
60021The document must be in a PENDING status
60024The documentTypeId is empty or you provide a wrong documentTypeId value
60025Wrong value for documentStatusId
60026documentId not valid
60027statusId is mandatory.
60028When the document is a taxStatement or an exemptionStatement, the field residenceId is mandatory
60029When the document is not a taxStatement nor an exemptionStatement, the field residenceId should not be provided
60030The residenceId you provided does not match a valid entry in the taxResidence database
60031The residenceId you provided has been deleted
60032userId is missing
60033Impossible to create the document, The number of objects is exceeded or the quota of your space is saturated
60034Impossible to update the status, this document is canceled
60035Impossible to get URL, this document does not exist
60036The document source is not valid or not in the list
60037Impossible to create the temporaryUrl for the document. Please retry later
60038name is mandatory.
60039Document not found in database.
60040Update document status with error
60041fileExtension is missing
60042FileExtension is not valid or not in the list
60043The request must contain documentHash when documentId is in params .
60044Document already cancel or validate, this document, this document is not pending status
60045The documentHash is invalid
60046fileExtension is not correct

Tax Residences

101001taxPayerId and liabilityWaiver are both present
101002taxResidence doesn't exist
101003Country is not in the following format: ISO 3166-1 alpha 2
101004taxPayerId is invalid
101005taxResidence is deleted, impossible to update this taxResidence
101006taxPayerId and liabilityWaiver, at least one must be present