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Find below the list of API Errors that may occur when handling checks.

1Generic Error
10010Invalid Argument. Wallet not found
14003Impossible to create Payin
14005This payin does not exist
14007Impossible to cancel the payin
14008The userId does not exist or is not in a status VALIDATED.
14009Unable to create payin with the provided walletId. It does not exist.
14010The RLMCKey is not valid
14011Unable to create payin. The wallet is not in a status VALIDATED
14012The specified currency for payin must be the same as the currency of the wallet
14015The provided amount must be greater than 1.
14018Unable to cancel the payin. The payin is already in a status CANCELED
14019Unable to cancel the payin. The payin is in a status VALIDATED
14088Impossible to create the payin the user has a kyc Level refused
50005Authentication failed
73001An invalid argument was given
88003The userId parameter is automatically set by the API in the case of a payin of type cheque. Do not set this value
88004The additionalData field is not in a correct format.
88005The additionalData field is mandatory
88011The API call to our partner failed
88013The RLMC Key is not valid
88014This cheque has already been treated
88020You are not set to use this type of Payin please contact your account Manager
88023Impossible to update the status of the payin
88046Cannot create the payin, amount exceed the maximal amount
90000Cannot cancel the payin, treatment ongoing at the treatment center
140011The client is already configured and can not be created again
140101The cheque client configuration deletion failed
150010The provided token is expired
160000The payin was not found
211000Impossible to create the operation, no reason code
211001Impossible to create the operation, not enough account's funds
211002Impossible to create the operation, the assets of the user are frozen
211003Impossible to create the operation, the assets of the user are frozen
211005Impossible to create the operation, the KYC Level of the parent user is not Light, Regular
211006Impossible to create the operation, the currency of the authorization and the account's currency are different
211008Impossible to create the operation, the authorization is a duplicate of an existing authorization
211009Impossible to create the operation, the account's user is not found
211011Impossible to create the operation, the account's balance is not found
211012Impossible to create the operation, Unknown error (internal error)
211013Impossible to create the operation, the context of the authorization is canceled (timeout or initiated by the client)
211014Impossible to create the operation, the original authorization is not found (for reversal or cancel)
211015Impossible to create the operation, the original authorization has an unexpected status
211018Impossible to create the operation, the authorization is forbidden due to authorization type, user, account
211019Impossible to create the operation, the total debit exceed the max total debit limit on sliding period
211020Impossible to create the operation, the authorization amount exceed the max amount limit
211021Impossible to create the operation, the authorization amount added to the account limit exceed the max account amount limit
211022Impossible to create the operation, the transfer creditor user is invalid
211023Impossible to create the operation, the transfer debitor user is invalid
211024Impossible to create the operation, the transfer creditor account is not found
211025Impossible to create the operation, the transfer creditor account's user is not found
211026Impossible to create the operation, the total credit exceed the max total credit limit on sliding period
211032Impossible to create the operation, the transfer creditor and debtor account are not found
211033Impossible to create the operation, the user is legal frozen
213001Unable to process payin authorization
213002Unable to process payin transaction
230001Cannot cancel the payin, its current state does not allow it
300000Generic Internal Error
300001A mandatory argument was not provided