# Regulated Institutions

A Regulated Institution is a Legal Entity that went trough a thorough administrative process with the regulators (ACPR in France) to be allowed to provide payment services to customers.

Regulated Intsitutions cover a wide group of institutions such as Payment Instutions, Microfinance institutions, Financial holding companies, etc.

They benefits from API features unavailable to other customers in return for added legal and administrative responsabilities.

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Tip – Dedicated Regulated Institutions badge in the documentation

Features that are available only to Regulated Instutions are tagged with the badge across the documentation.

# Benefits

  • You benefit from a dedicated IT infrastructure at Treezors'
  • You have your own BIC and your IBANs bear your own BIC
  • You can choose to use Treezor's technical features or build alternatives yourselves (such as KYC, etc.)

# Constraints

  • You are responsible for your customers' KYC
  • You must enforce anti-fraud and anti-laundering systems
  • You must report to the regulators
  • You are responsible for monitoring outgoing funds (although this can be delegated to Treezor's TMS (Transaction Monitoring System))

# Features

The following features are only available to Regulated Institutions.

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Reading – Learn more about Payment Institutions

You can read more about Payment Institutions (a type of Regulated Institution) on the European Payment Institutions Federation's website (opens new window).

Updated on: 7/11/2024, 11:59:47 AM