# Support Users

Support Users represent your employees, with specific access to your back office and/or the Dashboard to manage your end users.

Contrary to end users, Support Users can't have Wallets, Cards, and cannot initiate of funds related operations.

# Creation

# Parameters

Below the attributes to create a Support User.

Attribute Type Description
username string The identifier the user will use for logging in to the Dashboard or your own backoffice. We strongly recommend not to change the username once set (you won't be able to do it from the Dashboard).
password string The password the user will use for logging in to the Dashboard or your own backoffice. Expected in cleartext.
scope array Set of permissions for your Support User. Learn more in the Scope & Permissions article.
samlKey string Optional key to link automatically a Support User to a Dashboard OAuth2 client.

# Request

Use the following request to create a Support User.

Here is an example of {payload}:

# Retrieval

Returns the Support User object.

# Update

Here is an example of {payload}:

Returns the updated Support User object.

# Unblocking

A Support User may be blocked if they made 3 wrong password attempts. They may be unblocked using the following request.

The API returns an HTTP 204 response, without content. The wrongPwdAttempts value is also reset to 0 for the unblocked user.

# Deletion

Answers with a 204 HTTP Status Code without any content.

Note icon

Note – At least one Support User must exist

You can't delete a Support User if they are the last one with the support_user_management scope. This ensures that at least one Support User remains able to create new ones.

# Endpoints

Endpoint Description Scope
/core-connect/support-user/{supportUserId} Retrieve a Support User support_user_management
/core-connect/support-user Retrieve all Support Users support_user_management
/core-connect/support-user Create a Support User support_user_management
/core-connect/support-user/{supportUserId} Update a Support User support_user_management
/core-connect/support-user/{supportUserId}/unblock Unblock a Support User support_user_management
/core-connect/support-user/{supportUserId} Delete a Support User support_user_management
Updated on: 7/22/2024, 1:55:11 PM