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Operations (legacy)

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Alert – The Operation object changes in the next version

The new Operation object is now available in Sandbox. If you have any doubts about how to migrate, contact your Treezor Account Manager.

Retrieve operations

When requesting a list of operations, the following query parameters are required:

  • walletId – Restrict to operations related to that wallet
  • dateTo – Restrict to operations posterior to that date
  • dateFrom – Restrict to operations anterior to that date
Note icon

Note – 3-month timeframe support

The dateTo and dateFrom fields must be less than 3 months apart.

To get the list of operations, use the following request (which supports cursor-based pagination).

curl -X GET {baseUrl}/core-connect/operations?walletId={walletId}&dateFrom={dateFrom}&dateTo={dateTo} \
	--header 'Authorization: Bearer {accessToken}' \

Here is an example of a response. It returns an array of Operation objects along with a cursor.

    "data": [
            "operationType": "cardTransaction",
            "amount": {
                "amount": 48686359277,
                "currency": "EUR"
            "walletId": 617902,
            "direction": "DEBIT",
            "objectId": "29114",
            "label": "AJCY41mC+1yNlyNdW8TZ7U3cWlMQoFM/ZTJmG9z3FGqibci6hc38rhB3Fsplf7tIXDVLEw3wZQ==",
            "externalReference": null,
            "metadata": {
                "cardPayment": {
                    "mcc": {
                        "code": 8407
                    "mid": {
                        "value": "PVsPcbqFh6CmgvkVG9t4daisUM1y6pxVzn7p5quglgGfzrl/rKk77w4FRkVii5gv4D4amg=="
                    "localAmount": {
                        "amount": 48686359277,
                        "currency": "EUR"
                    "authorizationNote": "yoCzhxTe1IwCbtla72Rijd2L1s/V0/zsTUcMDjCLFmX2A4fI2j8J8hzjJD+4Wad6iX60w7sN6MfKIqI9thrJ"
            "status": "SETTLED",
            "date": {
                "creation": "2020-05-21T11:59:05+02:00"
            "operationType": "cardTopup",
            "amount": {
                "amount": 45074736937,
                "currency": "EUR"
            "walletId": 617902,
            "direction": "CREDIT",
            "objectId": 85689,
            "label": "Card Top Up (via hipay) (85689)",
            "externalReference": null,
            "metadata": null,
            "status": "SETTLED",
            "date": {
                "creation": "2020-05-20T19:41:33+02:00",
                "settlement": "2020-05-20T02:00:00+02:00"
		// [...] some objects are hidden
    "cursor": {
        "prev": null,
        "current": "356a192b7913b04c54574d18c28d46e6395428ab",
        "next": "da4b9237bacccdf19c0760cab7aec4a8359010b0"


The metadata object contains key information regarding the initial operation. This content differs depending on the operation.

Apart from transfers and card transactions, this value will be null.


    "receiverId": 1872135,
    "emitterId": 2078539,
    "tag": ""

Card Transactions

      "mcc": {			// <-- you can read about MCC in /guide/cards/modifications.html and in the Glossary
        "code": 12,
      "mid": {			// <-- you can read about MID in /guide/cards/modifications.html and in the Glossary
        "value": "1231542UR"
      "localAmount": {
        "amount": 100,
        "currency": "DT"
      "authorizationNote": "You spent too much money",
      "authorizationResponseCode": {
        "action": "string",
        "description": "string",
        "value": "string"


You can expose the label field values to your end users to provide more information. The information displayed depends on the context.

ContextExposed dataReturned string example
Card Top UpIndicates the type of operation, along with the corresponding id.Card Top Up (1236548)
Cancelled Card Top UpIndicates the type of refund, along with the corresponding id.
Bank TransferIndicates the type of operation, along with the corresponding id.Bank Transfer (408265455)
Refund of Bank TransferIndicates the type of refund, along with the corresponding id.Refund of Bank Transfer (1236548)
Bank Direct DebitIndicates the type of operation, along with the corresponding id.
Refund of Bank Direct DebitIndicates the type of refund, along with the corresponding id.
CheckIndicates the type of operation, along with the corresponding id.Check (12389478)
Refund of a CheckIndicates the type of refund, along with the corresponding id.Refund of Check (365895412)
Transfer (wallet-to-wallet)Indicates the name of the Wallet owner along with the operation id.Alex Oak (65852369)
Transfer (if fees or creditNote)Indicates the Transfer label (custom field) and id.
Card TransactionIndicates the type of operation, along with the merchantName.